Saturday, August 2, 2014

Summer Fun!!!

To begin the summer, Ryan's friend from school invited the boys to his birthday party.  Evan was invited onstage to be part of the magician's act!  He was a hit...and so was the magician! ;)

After the magic act, the kids got decked out in neon gear and danced under black lights!

The boys went to the Phoenix Zoo for a half day, week long camp...which they LOVED!!!

Our little Pet Detective!

He is so good at impersonating Jim Carrey!

For Father's Day, we enjoyed eachother... and the pool!
We love Daddy so much!!!

The only trip we took out of town this summer, was to MO for a family wedding.

It was really nice to see everyone!

After the wedding, Auntie, Ethan, Izzy, and Ben came to visit!  So did baby William!!!

And Auntie Tiffani!!!

They were even in town for one of Ryan's best flag football games of the summer season!

The boys ended up going undefeated!

They also won the Championship!

After the game, we were invited to take a ride in a real race car!!!

Before Tiff and William took off, we got another day of swimming in!

Everyone enjoyed it!

Now that Ryan is 48 inches, we were able to go to K1 Speedway and race Go-Carts!

Ryan won both races!  All of the kiddos loved it!

On our last day together, we visited the World Wildlife Zoo!

We didn't want to see them go, but we were so thankful for our time together!

On the 4th of July, we hung at home and swam with friends and family!

One week we decided to go the Arizona Grand Resort for a Staycation!

They have a HUGE waterside there!  Evan went without a pause!


Ryan took a while to think about it...

But he DID IT and even went again!

The next day, we decided to take a trip to Lake Pleasant!

We rented wave runners, but our trip was cut short by some crazy rain!

For dinner we decided to treat the boys to Mastro's for the 1st time!

The boys loved it and as always, so did we!

After another day at the hotel water park, we ate at Rustler's Rooste.

Daddy taught the boys how to play shuffleboard there!  It was a hit!

Before our summer ended, we decided to take a trip to Wet N Wild!

The first slide was one we could all do together!

Another slide was one the boys raced on!  It was a tie!

Unfortunately, Ryan fell backwards in line and had to go to the EMT station.  
Thank God, no stitches were needed and he was a great sport about it!
Big bump...but big smile for a fun day overall!  

One of the highlights of the summer to Evan was Lego Camp!  
He went for one week from 9-4!
He even created an awesome Stop Motion Photography Movie 
for us to watch on the final day!

School starts on the 6th!  I'll update you at the end of the month!
Hope all is well with all of you!  
Sending love your way!