Saturday, February 7, 2015

Starting the Year out Right!

It's a New Year!!!

Here is a normal evening at home for Daddy and Ryan! 

Ryan started his Winter Flag Football Season!

He managed to keep the foot in! Hooray!

Only in Arizona can you play outside in muddy water in January!

We rolled in it...

And splashed each other!

It was a fun Saturday afternoon!

We had dinner and cake at Grandma and Grandpa's to celebrate
Grandpa's Birthday on the 17th!

On the 25th, we had Ryan's Party...

It was at K1 Speedway in Phoenix!

Ryan was so excited!

He, Evan and 8 of his friends had a great time racing!

We can't hardly believe our baby is 7!

Happy Birthday Ryguy!

That evening we had a family dinner celebration at Grimaldi's!

The next day was the 26th!  His actual birthday!
He got to celebrate at school with his friends!
I even caught Evan walking by from Science, 
so I got a quick pic of my babies!

One of Ryan's favorite things to do is play 
NCAA Football on the Xbox!
We made sure he had time to do that on his big day!

Before the month ended, the boys got to ride their
motorcycles!  They were getting good at racing
with a little air time at the end!

This is a favorite afternoon with Daddy for Evan!
Nerf War and Adventuring in the Backyard!
Everyone loves having Daddy home!