Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Month of Love and other Fun!

The morning of Superbowl Sunday, we took the boys to the NFL Experience in Phoenix...

They got to be on the cover of Madden 2015...

And we got to be on the big screen at the Superbowl (with a little help from some green screens)!

Daddy hit the jackpot at the Skittles Station...

And the boys enjoyed all of the activities!

It was a fun morning!

Evan had a 4th Grade Field Trip at the Capital Museum.  
Of course he and his friend Quinn, found a Lego flag of Arizona!

Freddy and I had a night out at a friend's wedding one evening!

The boy's had art night at school to show us their work...

They did a great job!

We snuck in a selfie before Valentine's Day Dinner at Mastro's 
(which was delicious as usual)! 

Science Night at School was also a hit!
Only about 2 1/2 months of school until our babies are done with 4th and 1st grade!