Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spring is in the Air!

On the 8th, Mommy got a year older.  We went to church, then to eat!  It was fun!

When Spring Break rolled around, we decided to take a trip to the Phoenix Zoo!
Auntie Sarah came too!  

We started at Stingray Bay...

Then said bye to them...

And rode camels with our friends!  This is Brayden!

And this is Will!

After the camel ride, we walked over to the Orangutan Exhibit.

This one was soooo funny!!!!

Ryan is studying Rhino's in school, so he opted to ride this guy on the Carousel!

Evan chose the bald eagle so he could dress him up of course!!!

We HAD to visit the Rhino before we left!
It was a great start to break!!!

The Ostrich Festival comes to Chandler each year!

We got a cool drink...

On our way to watch the Ostrich Races!

Check this out!!!

Mommy and Daddy couldn't believe we jumped!!!

We also rode a bull...

Which Ryan was a little nervous about, but did great!

We played some Carnival Games...

And played in the Fun House!

Uncle Jojo met up with us after work, then Ryan ran into a friend from his class!

Here were are patiently waiting...

To run around in balls like hamsters!

See you next year!

Daddy helped coach a Chandler National Baseball Team last summer. 
One of the Dad's from the team gave us a tour of the Fire Station as a thank you!


He even took us on a ride in one of the trucks!

While we were visiting, he got a call!
He took us with him!

It was so awesome!

Watch out World!  Thanks Mr. Diaz!

With Ryan's first baseball tournament coming up, 
Daddy decided to have a fun practice to lighten the mood!

Instead of practicing, they played with water balloons!

After he spent the morning filling balloons, it started to rain, 
so instead of the boys throwing balloons at each other and get sick from being cold, 
Freddy let them take turns throwing them at him!  The kids LOVED it!

Tourney Day has Arrived!


Here are a few plays from the tournament...

Great job Ryguy!  Woohoo!

After the Friday game, we went for a swim at our hotel.

It was a little too cool for Mommy!

Daddy and his babies played Marco Polo with a random little boy.

I think everyone enjoyed the family time!
This face has LOVE written all over it!

After the Saturday Games, we visited the Stables on the Hotel Property.  
We were there too late in the day to go horseback riding...

But there was a little girl there with a big bag of carrots,
so she let us feed some to the horses!

We had never fed horses before!

Bye Cibola Canyon Resort!
Thanks for the stay!

We didn't win the tournament, but we made some new friends
and enjoyed the experience!  We were so proud of the boys!  
Great job Stars!!!

With the tournament finished, 
it was time for our regular East Valley Season to start!
We won 10-1!

Spring Football started also!
Steelers Win!

The 2nd Game of the Season, Ryan got to catch!

Look how cute his squat is!!!

Great job Ryguy!

We won 17-1 this time!
Go Stars!

This is a picture promoting the upcoming auction/dinner that benefits the boys school!
I am in charge of the decorations for the venue and marketing!
It is April 18th!  The day before this guy turns 10!!!!

Here is a picture from Evan's portfolio!  
He got invited to go through training at John Casablancas Modeling and Career Center!
Once he finishes his 10 classes, Model Talent Management will represent him! 

Here he is with Tim, the "scout who discovered him"
before his first class.  Poor kid is so shy!  Lol!  Work it Evan!
Goodbye March!