Saturday, June 13, 2015

May in a Nutshell!

Evan had a photo shoot at his acting class one day.
Not only did he look handsome, but when we stopped at Jamba Juice after, 
we found he had great stacking skills when it comes to chocolate milk!

Daddy took Ryan to a Sun Devils Baseball Game one day!
Ryan got to meet Sparky!

At our church, at the end of each kiddos 4th grade year,
they get to move up to the "middle school teaching room".
They gave Evan a donut and sunglasses as a welcome gift!

Ryan's last field trip of the year was to Butterfly Wonderland!

This moth was 6 days old and only lives a week!  
Poor guy didn't know what was in store for him!

A monarch landed on Ryan's shoe!

He was glad one chose him!

Evan's last project of the year was to make a solar system display...
and label the planets in Spanish!
Good work Evan!

Here are a flew clips from our game against the other Steelers team.
Good flag Ryguy!

Woohoo Ryan!
Steelers win!

The next game was against the Panthers! Ryan!

Another flag and another win!

After the boring boxing match
Pacquiao vs Mayweather,
the boys decided to put together their own ring and fight!
It was a lot more entertaining!

On Mother's Day, we went to church, then to lunch, then relaxed by the pool!
It was a great day!  Love my babies!

I had the boys write their teachers a thank you note for a great year!
This was Ryan's...

Here are Ryan and Mrs Rubin on the last day of school.

This was Evan's letter...

And here are Evan and Mr Allen on the last day! 

Ryan's next game was against the Seahawks!
TD Ryan!

Then the Cowboys!
Good pull Ryan!

Another pull and another win!

One more game before the Championship...vs the Cardinals.
Another catch for Ryan!

He picked it!
Great job Ryan!

Championship Game vs the Cowboys!
We needed that pull Ryguy!

It came down to one play each!
We scored in our attempt and stopped them in theirs!
Steelers Win!

Congratulations on another great season!

Thanks Coach Carson!

Thank you Daddy!  I love you!  

After the last day, the boys' school rents out a local pool for a swim party!

Hello Summer!  Here we come!

Once football was over, it was time to concentrate on the rest of baseball season!

East Valley Baseball is a hybrid league.  
If the kid pitching walks a batter, the coach comes in to pitch...

In their 2nd season of kid pitch, 
our Stars won the League Championship for the 2nd time!
They remain undefeated!  26-0!

On to the tournament!!!

Before the heat began, we decided to take a long bike ride...

We stopped to play at a park,
then grabbed frozen yogurt on the way back home.

Here is a first for all of us!

We went to a rock climbing gym!
Do you spy Evan in neon orange?

The boys climbed and we were their belayers.

We were surprised at how well they did and what an arm workout we got without climbing!

IHOP!  Enough said!  =)
Ready for June!