Tuesday, November 10, 2015

September and October have Come and Gone!

Watch Out!  It's USC Football Season! 

Evan decided to play flag football with his 5th and 6th grade peers at school!

His first flag! Great job Evan!

He is the Rusher!  Flag #2!


We FINALLY got to visit 
Auntie, Uncle and our Cousins in Chicago!

Twin's Reunited!  Hooray!

Cousin's Reunited!  What a fun trip!!!

For Ryan's Team, we decided to make a banner!
Here it is in digital form and hanging at the field!

USC came to ASU! The kids even got to be on the News!

The game was awesome! We CRUSHED the Devils on their turf!

Back to Baseball...F-4 Courtesy of Ryan!

That's a Hit!

Then Football...1st Away Game and 1st Catch!
Run Evan!


Catch #2...

Catch #3!
Great Game Evan!

For Spirit Day at School, we honored Heroes!
We were able to wear Red, White & Blue...

Or Dress as a Hero!

As October neared, it was time to get in the spirit!  Chuckie came to live with us!

October Baby!  Real Men Wear Pink!!!

Flag...then BOOGIE!

Flag Pull!

In our first tournament of the season, our 8U Stars played in the USSSA State Tourney!
This was from Game #1. A Nice Double and an RBI for Ryan!

The next few are from Game #2...
Another Double!  Whoop Whoop!

Routine Ground Ball...Out!

Get There!  Yes!

Fair Ball!

1st to 3rd!  Good Base Running Ryguy!

Taking after his Father Here! From the Knees! Out!
Great Tourney! We won! Our little Stars are State Champs!

Ryan even got a ring!

Two of my Boys celebrating the Win!

Back to the Regular Season...
Strike 3!  You're Out!

Another one...Strikeout!

Hit up the Middle!

Strike 3!  You're Out!

Different Day, Same Effort! RBI!

2 RBI's!

He does it with the bat and the glove!
Go Ryan!

The boys got all decked out to see Daddy get inducted into the 
Glendale College Hall of Fame!

We were given a replica plaque of this to take home!

And I was given some love by each of my boys...Ryan...


And Freddy (Phillip to me)...We are all so proud of his accomplishments!

In Evan's last flag football game of the season,
he went out with a bang!

The next tournament for us was the USSSA Halloween Scream!
In the first game, Ryan pitched...and struck out one of the 9U kiddos!

He also made a nice defensive play!

Made another nice play...

And then did it again, but from the knees this time!

Guess What!?  We won again!  Amazing Stars!

Before we knew it, it was time to get ready for Halloween!
Ryan got a new pair of pajamas and posed for me!

Although the Trojans had a rough start to the season,
these guys still "Fight On" each game!

Instead of doing a family pumpkin patch this year,
we split up and did separate activities. 
Ryan and I went to Vertuccio Farms!

They had fun activities and lots of animals!

There was even a train to ride together! We had a great time!

At the same time, Daddy and Evan were at Fear Farm!

There were 4 Haunted Houses to walk through...

And some good photo opportunities! They had a scary good time!

We of course had to "Boo" some folks as we do each year


Then it was finally time for Halloween!
Evan was Ace Ventura!

And Ryan was a USC Trojan Football Player!

Evan really got into character!

Check it Out!

Ryan was Fierce!

And as always...ready to "Fight On"!

Let the Trick or Treating begin!
Happy Halloween!