Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Merry and Bright!

December for us begins with LIGHTS!

And Decor!!!

It also means it's time for the Elf on the Shelf to visit!

Jingle Buddy and Randall were as happy to see us as we were to see them!

The last game of the baseball season came at the same time as the USC game!
So...Daddy set up the trailer at the baseball field!

After the game...

It was time to FIGHT ON!

Mommy had her camera of course...

And Daddy had his Santa Hat!

One night we visited our favorite teppanyaki restaurant.
They even let us cook! 


Evan actually caught 3 in a row!
He was on FIRE!

Here is a video of Ryan singing at the boys' Winter Concert!
Ryan is on the back riser in the red vest.  God job Ryguy!

Here is a video of Evan.  I don't even have to point him out!  Ha ha!  
I had several parents texting me during the performance telling me he stole the show!

Handsome and talented!
How about that!?

Ryan had a field trip to the Casa Grande Ruins...

The structure is 750 years old!

Amazing to think the Hohokom People made this with homemade tools so long ago!

Our Annual Flagstaff Trip arrived! 

And so did the snow!

Evan drew Jingle Buddy in case he didn't show up!

It snowed all night...so we took advantage of the fresh snow in the morning!

It was COLD, but FUN!

Ski Time!

Evan lost a ski on the first lift ride of the day!  Whoops!

Ready for another run!  It was just like riding a bike!
What a FREEZING day!

The next day we decided to go explore...

Brayden and Will are used to posing as much as we are!
No wonder we get along so well!  Ha ha!

In the community where we stay each year,
there were tons of elk wandering around!
Aha!  That's what all of those droppings were from!

Before we left Flagstaff, it was time to visit the North Pole!

Bye Santa!  Thanks for the visit!

Before we got our little tree, we went to Grimaldi's for pizza.
Ryan turned his "play" dough into a beard and mustache!

Ho ho ho!

Once we found the tree...

It was time to decorate...

And sing a few Christmas carols!

On the 21st, it was Daddy's 38th Birthday!
He also chose to officially retire from baseball that day!
We made him some balloons with special messages to congratulate him!

Daddy got lots of great gifts from lots of great family and friends!
Thank you everyone!

So who do you think is naughty and who do you think is nice!?

On Christmas Eve, our garb was "Grinch" related!

Present time!  Too excited!

What a fun family evening!

One more thing had to be done before bed...G'nite!

Hooray!  Santa came!

Look at all of those sleepy eyes!
Merry Christmas!

These were a hit!

Much easier to ride than we guessed!
Thank you Santa!

Ryan got what he wished for this year!
Also, this was the first time the 
Tooth Fairy AND Santa visited our home on the same night!

Evan got what he wished for as well!
Their sweet smiles gave Freddy and I what we wished for!
Hope you enjoyed our month of December!
We hope you all enjoyed a safe and Happy New Year!