Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ready for 2016!

Instead of our Annual New Year's Eve Party,
we went to Missouri to visit my family and attend a family wedding!

I got to spend time with my sis!

And the boys got to spend time with their cousins!

It was a nice way to ring in the New Year!

Here are my handsome young men!

We managed to get a family photo!

And I even got one with Nell!

The kiddos were really enjoying being together!

Can you tell!?

I wonder where Ryan gets these dance abilities!?  ;) 

It was a great trip!

At school each year, classrooms take turns presenting Morning Meeting.

Evan played the role of Anchorman...introducing the Revolutionary War.

Ryan and his class were of course in attendance!

Great job Big Boy!

If it is your birthday month, you are allowed to go up front to be announced.
Good job Ryguy!

Football season began with a bunch of baseball boys!

Ryan got to attend his first professional hockey game!
He even got a sweatshirt to cheer on the Coyotes!

For Ryan's Party, we rented out suites at the Suns Game!

Evan was my big helper!

Another first for Ryan!  His first NBA Game!
He was so excited!

We just can't believe he is 8!

Our pride and joy...these 2!

The Suns had a special surprise for Ryan!
An Autographed Bledsoe Jersey!

The Gorilla came to visit also!
Ryan got a noogie!

The boys all got a kick out of him!

Happy Birthday Ryguy!

Before the end of the game, Ryan got a special message displayed on the board!

Then, to top it all off, the Suns won at the buzzer!
It was a great game to celebrate an amazing boy!

On the 26th, Ryan's actual birthday,
he brought Krispy Kreme donuts to his class for morning snack!

Ryan said it was DELICIOUS!
Mrs Anderson's birthday was the following Saturday!
So, she said they were birthday buddies!

On his birthday evening, he chose to go to Chili's for dinner,
then come home for cake and presents!  
Thank you to everyone who thought of Ryan for his big day!

One random day at the beginning of January,
Evan decided he could lead a Green Man Group!  Lol!

So that would mean Ryan could start a pickle group!  Ha ha!

One Friday night we went to a local High School Basketball game.
Reminded me of when we first started dating!
Our first kiss was after one of those games back in 1996!

On Thursday's and Friday's during lunch recess, 
Evan goes into the Kindergarten Spanish Class
to help SeƱora Conti!  The little kids LOVE him!

May the Force Be with You as we roll into February!