Sunday, June 12, 2016

End of School Year...Start to Summer!

Daddy warmed the pool enough to start swimming at the beginning of the month!

Ryguy always has a ball in his hand!

With their Birthday money, Evan chose to buy this morph suit... 

And Ryan bought this one!

Evan made a green screen so he could create this movie of Ryan!

Evan booked a commercial for the Arizona Science Center!
His commercial will air on Cox for a year and possibly DirectTv  as well!

Ryan decided to use one of Freddy's bats in the cage!
It was heavy, but he did pretty well!

Before Mother's Day, Ryan's class had a special Mother's Day breakfast!

He made me so many sweet gifts for me!

On Mother's Day, the boys and Freddy had flowers delivered 
while we were enjoying the day together!

Before school ended, the 5th Graders had a Moving Up Celebration!
They wrote a letter to their future self last year,
then told everyone what really happened in 5th Grade!

We can't believe our baby is a Middle Schooler already!

Speaking of Babies...
We finally found a place to donate all of the boys baby things!

It was hard to let it all go, but there will be a lot of needy families who will benefit!

My Dad came for a visit!
It was so great to see him!

The boys enjoyed visiting with him too!

USC came to town, so we went to the game!

It was Freddy and I's first baseball game together EVER!!!!

At the end of the month, Evan was hired to be in an IMAX movie!
It will be released in theaters in February of 2017!

This was one of the scenes.
The camera was only 1 of 3 in the world!

A great start to the summer so far...