Wednesday, November 29, 2017

We Have a Lot to Be Thankful For!

Evan got some new headshots taken...

Here are some of his many expressions!

Gotta love this kid!

This month Evan booked and shot a Peter Piper Pizza Commercial!

This is one of the scenes they shot...

For lunch...Evan and his fake sister had pizza!
Shocker, right!?  

Click on the above link to scroll through a video of another scene Evan shot!
He is NOT a supreme pizza fan!  Lol!

Of course they couldn’t wrap a commercial at Peter Piper without some games scenes!

The second shoot day was outdoors!

Evan is seen coming home from school with his project that won a blue ribbon!
We can’t wait to see it air!

During Fall Break, we went to Kansas City to visit family!

We even got an adult dinner out one night!

It was a great trip!

The week after Thanksgiving, Evan shot a Jake’s Unlimited Commercial!
We are looking forward to seeing this one on tv as well!

Now I need to get busy...December is almost upon us!
We hope this finds you all happy and healthy!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

A Spootakular Month of Fun!

October on the calendar, means Slimer and Stay Puff come visit!

The Spiderwebs are welcome to stay also!

The Pumpkins and Witches Hats...

And Skeletons too of course!!!

This video is a little hard to see but Ryan (99) stripped the ball!

Then, he did it again!!!  Woohoo Ryguy!

You can see the next video using the link below.  

Ryan caught the punt return and had a little run!

Here is his first official tackle football picture!

During Fall Break, Ryan and I went to the Wildlife World Zoo with friends!

We also went shopping at Spirit Store!

The next 2 videos can be seen with the following link...

You won't want to miss them!  Haha!

This kid cracks me up!  He just decided to go make people smile!

People showed him a lot of love!  I am glad they did!  

Also on Fall Break, we got the boys new gear and headed out to ride motorcycles!

The boys had been asking to go out for a they were happy campers!
Now they want to take the training wheels off, but I'm not ready for that yet!  Yikes!

Click the link above to enjoy a video of the boys in action!

Our little actor deep in thought...

A beautiful desert sunset...

And our handsome young men rounded out our day!
It was a blast!

For some more fall fun, I took Ryan to Schnepf Farms...

See the link below for a video of Ryan after Outbreak.
It was a hayride where we fired paintballs at zombies! 
Afterwards we had to be "decontaminated"!

He was worried and didn't know what to expect...

But he LOVED it!!!

While we were at Schnepf Farms, Daddy took Evan to Fear Farm!

Ryan asked Evan to find a scary he did!

Evan found an animatronic dinosaur head he liked!

All in all, it was a festive night!

Each year it is a tradition for us to "Boo" people!

Evan (under the mask) got to "Boo" a new neighbor...

And Ryan got to "Boo" a friend of ours...
Then they "Boo'd" one house together!  
We take the Ranger and listen to scary music!  It is always a treat!

What's an October without some bobbing for apples!?!?


Ryan's music teacher sent us a clip of Ryan in class!
Can you guess that tune!?

Above is the link to a video of Ryan kicking the furthest HR Derby ball at school!
His team won!!!

One of Freddy and Evan's favorite things is watching scary movies together!
Chuckie was welcomed into their circle being that it's October!

Above is the link to Evan's keyboard action!
This tune is trickier! Can you guess!?

Ok...HAD TO!  Lol!

While out and about, I couldn't pass up taking this shot and passing it on!
Just beautiful!

What's an October without a visit to the pumpkin patch!?

In 4th Grade at the boys school, the kids take a trip to Biztown.  They run their own city, 
have jobs and by the end of the day they need to be able to payoff their loans.
Ryan's job was the CEO of the FBI.  Future Bug Investigators.  His day was a success!

In Ryan's last game of the season, he contributed quite a bit!
Here is a tackle Ryan made...


Ryan's Punt...

Ryan's Run...

A nice defensive play...

Another punt...

Here's a nice tackle...

A fumble recovery by Ryan...

Good tackle!

Another tackle...

Fumble Recovery...

And another punt! Razorbacks Win!

It's pretty neat that Ryan can say he is a State Champ in his first season playing tackle!

The Saturday before Halloween, USC was in town playing ASU
so we took our tailgating trailer out to Tempe for some fun!

It was a great win and a great day!
What made it even more special...Victor and Sujey came out from California!

Middle School Students get to attend a Halloween Dance!
Evan went as Stewie from Family Guy...

On Halloween, Ryan got to dress up.
As some of you know...Ryan's nickname is "Beef".
So, he decided to dress as a cheeseburger!

For Trick or Treating, Ryan went with an entirely different costume!

Per Evan's request, the rest of us dressed as the cast of Deadpool!
Collosus, Deadpool & Negasonic Teenage Warhead.
We had a great Halloween and a fun month!