Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sanchez Summer!

At the beginning of June, we were invited to Iowa for World Clubfoot Day.

Freddy threw out the first pitch at the Cedar Rapids Kernals game, 
so Ryan went on the field with him and met their mascot, Mr Shucks!

Evan met Mr Shucks when he came up to the suites to to visit!

For part of the game, Freddy signed autographs.
It was our first time back at a minor league field since about 2002.

For fun one day, we checked out a really neat costume and special effects store!
Evan was in heaven once they stuck a safety pin "through" his hand!  

After Freddy visited the Clubfoot Clinic, 
we got a tour of the facilities as the University of Iowa!

It was a really nice school!

We started to become true Hawkeye Fans!

The night before the Triathlon, the boys posed with Daddy and the promotional banner...

And then race day came!  We swam along with other kids in our age group...

Then we biked and ran to the finish!

It was a great day to raise awareness about clubfoot 
and celebrate all of the lives improved by the Ponseti Method! 

The day before we left Iowa we went to a farm...

To ride horses...

Meet new friends...

And explore the wide open spaces!

We also went out on a boat!

It was a great trip!  We had a blast!

Freddy and I snuck away to a wedding in California one weekend this summer...

Then Father's Day weekend, we went back to California for Ryan's baseball tournament!

While we were enjoying the games, Evan was perfecting a sport of his own!
I had to pick a short video to post, but he was able to stay up for a long time!
We were able to go out on the lake too the last day in town!
A big thank you to Tiff and Scott for hosting Evan!
He had such a great time!

The International World Series began with an Opening Ceremonies...

Then followed up with skills competitions!  
Our team won the speed, relay, and around the horn competitions!
The video was too long to post, but it was awesome to see the boys so excited to win!
We were so proud of them!  
There was only 1 skill we didn't win, the HR Derby, but there's always next year!

Each game the umpire would award one kid from the winning team an MVP coin!
He chose Ryan one game!  You could see how excited Ryan was by his smile here!
He played the best tournament of his life this trip!
He was a stud at the plate, caught well, pitched well and played great "D"!

When we got back from California it was time for my sis and her kiddos to come for a visit!

 It is always AMAZING to spend time together!

And...while she was in town, Tiff planned a surprise visit!
Danielle was SHOCKED! Missing you girls!

On the 4th, we stayed at home, swam....

Enjoyed our own private fireworks show in the front yard...

Then rounded out the night with sparklers!

Before we knew it, it was time to fly to San Diego for a quick little family trip!

We stayed at Hotel Del...

And from the patio of our room, we could run straight into the water!

We enjoyed a fire pit and smore's one night...

What a beautiful hotel!

One night we went for a private yacht cruise...

It was a really fun experience!

The views were incredible!

But the hair got a little frizzy!  Ha ha!

Ryan had a great time exploring the boat...

And Evan documented the entire thing of course!  ;)

When we got back from San Diego, Grandma took us on a date!
Of course she spoiled us!

Our last trip of the summer was to Florida for the Demarini Elite World Series!  
We went a day early so we could go to Disneyworld 
and meet up with our long time baseball friends whom we hadn't seen for a decade!
We did the VIP Experience, so no lines and the sprinkles in the air made the usually hot and sticky Florida weather very comfortable!

We even found the perfect souvenir! 
A Baseball Mickey & a Disney Baseball!

The World Series Program has some very handsome gentlemen in it! 
Can you find Ryguy!?

The festivities were held at the ESPN Wide World of Sports!

The first event was the Opening Ceremonies! 

We went 4 - 2 -1 in the series.  We didn't finish as strongly 
as we had anticipated, but we know what to expect now and are looking 
forward to qualifying again so we can have a re-do next year!
Thank you to all of you who supported us and helped to get our team to Florida!

My Big Boy was a trooper!  Here is a pic of he and I at the last game!

When in Florida...you need to hold an Alligator! 
Ryan was a little more nervous with him than Evan!  Lol!

Just before leaving Florida, we spent a day at Legoland!
Evan's "happiest place on Earth"!
I hope you enjoyed our summer recap!
On to August!