Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thankful and Grateful...Short and Sweet!

In November we recognized our Veteran' Grandpa Fred!

We also appreciated the artist in our family!

Soccer wrapped up this month.  Ryguy's foot had some serious GO!

Ryan created for extra credit at school, a menu that consisted entirely of canned items... 

Then acted as my Chef with his menu in hand!

On the 15th, Ryan's grade enjoyed a day at the Heritage Festival.

They learned that only "well mannered children got to attend school"...

Got the watch war reenactments, 
as well as learn children's games from 
WAAAAAAY before the electronic era!

Before we could blink it was already Thanksgiving Day!

We had a group just over a dozen...

Enjoyed Family Time...

As well as the drinks...

And the food!  

Baseball Season began on Black Friday with a BANG! 

The next day, Ryan struck out one looking...

Another swinging...

And caught another looking!

On Sunday in the Semi Final Game, he had a single and RBI...

And another single!

We hope you and your family had a blessed November and remember what the 
Christmas season is all about as we roll into December!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

October...a SCARY month!

Our House...Ready for October Spooks!

For getting straight A's in his 1st quarter of 8th grade, Evan got a unicycle!
He is still learning...
Maybe next blog I will have a video of him once he has perfected it!

On the 6th of the month we drove to California...

The following day we went to Universal with Victor!

Halloween Horror Nights is a favorite of Evan's!

My 3 boys...I can barely handle the handsomeness!!!

The Lower Lot Atmosphere...

Evan and Ryan by the HOLLYWOOD sign.  ;)

It was a great day and night! Thanks Universal!

On the 10th we went to Disneyland!!!

We met Auntie Tiffani, William and Summer!

Our goofy boys...

Had a terrific time with William...

And Miss Summer!

The Mom's even got to ride alone and act like kids again!

As the night cooled off, the boys each bought a souvenir jacket.
It was a really magical day!

While we were in California, Ryan had a baseball tryout for an organization
which could potentially give him the opportunity to represent Team USA down the road.

They ran timed drills...

Both ways...

Then they pitched...

And hit...

As you can see...he made it!!! Congrats Ryguy!

Ryan had a nice corner kick goal on the 20th!

Goal #1 on the 26th for Ryan...

Goal #2!

In the 1st YMCA Playoff Game...for 3!!!!
Great job Ryguy!

Our unique pumpkins...with their unique pumpkins!

Evan carved a Zombie Duck...

Ryan chose to carve a happy Jack...

Then helped Daddy with his Baseball Pumpkin!
Poor Freddy has a herniated disc and bulging disc in his back.
May have surgery to correct it, but time will tell. Prayers for him are greatly appreciated!

For those of you who know me...rather than carve a face, 
I made myself a cooler for my wine.  ;)

In Drama, Evan learned how to do his own special effects makeup!

It reminded me of his 3rd Halloween when he dressed as a boxer and I did his makeup!

On Halloween Night, we were Halloween 3 Characters.
Michael Myers and the Silver Shamrock Gang...

And Trick o' Treated with B and Will and their friends...

A few spooky cocktails never hurt.
Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Another September in the Books!

It's Football Season!  Fight On USC!

Daddy got a picture with each of his boys before the 1st Game!

Since it is the off season for Stars Baseball, Ryan and a few of his teammates
decided to play in a YMCA basketball league.  Here is Ryan's 1st Basket!

We have a new member of the family!
Meet Chubbs...a Red Eared Slider!

He is easy to care for and has more personality that you would guess!

Vic came into town to surprise Freddy!

He was able to watch Ryan's Soccer Tournament also!

Ryan had a goal here...

And a corner kick that hit the defender and scored here!
Way to go honey!

On the 21st, our friends invited us to join them at Saguaro Lake for a boat day!

Above is a link of me wake boarding.  I had never tried anything like it before!  
I was happy I tried it because was able to get up and enjoy it!

We had a great time...and made it back to Chandler to pick up the kids from school just in time!

In Ryan's 1st RSL Soccer Game of the Season, he scored a goal...

Make it 2!

Above is a link to Ryan's kick from the goalie position.
He almost scored a goal from there!  Lol!

On the 27th, Ryan got his braces off!  Phase #1 Done!

Above is a link to Ryan's Goal in Soccer Game #2!
Our team is 2 - 0 for the season!

Above is a link to Ryan's Layup in Game #2 of Basketball!

Above is a link to Ryan's Free Throw in Basketball Game #2!

The socks must have been good luck!  
We were down by 12 with 3 minutes left and came back to win!
The boys are 2 - 0 for the season in basketball also!!