Monday, March 12, 2018

Our February was full of Fun and Love!

The first part of February, Evan got asked to be the Summit Sabrecat...

He had a lot of fun with his new character!

Evan had a warm welcome from the crowd!

He tried to copy the cheerleaders...

And performed at half time. He was a hit!

The weekend of the 3rd, we played in the Super Ball Bash Tourney.
Ryan pitched vs the Monarchs.  Strikeout!

In one inning...K #1...

K #2 ...


Ryan caught in the Championship Game!
Nice reach Ryguy!

Around the Horn!

Another Championship...and another Ring!!!

In Ryan’s Friday night flag football league,
He caught a pass...

Pulled a flag...

And another!  We won this on 35 - 18!

The Saturday before Valentine’s Day, Freddy and I went to Mastro’s to Celebrate!

On Valentine’s Morning...

Evan and Ryan opened their gifts from us...

Then we went to the spa and lunch!!!

Our South Chandler Trojans won the division!
Ryan wasn’t at the last game (you’ll see why below)...
so the coach and team sent us this video for Ryan!

For President’s Weekend, we decided to surprise my Dad...
and spend the weekend with my parents in Honolulu!

The above link is a slideshow, set to music, and a great recap of our trip!

We couldn’t have asked for a better time together!
The 4 day trip went by way too quickly!

The following weekend was the USSSA Spring Championship Tourney.
Nice throw down, Ryan!

Ryan is turning into quite a good little catcher!

Single!  Woohoo!

Another Single! 

The following game, Ryan made a play at 2nd...

An awesome play at 3rd...

And another while playing 3rd base.

In the Championship Game, Ryan made another play at 3rd!

Another Championship!!!

And another Ring!

To round out the month, here is some of Ryan’s artwork he has worked on in school... 

Horsehair Pottery...

Chalk Landscape...

And glass piece!!!  

Phew!  That was a lot, but you made it to the end of our February!
I hope you enjoyed it!