Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thankful and Grateful...Short and Sweet!

In November we recognized our Veteran' Grandpa Fred!

We also appreciated the artist in our family!

Soccer wrapped up this month.  Ryguy's foot had some serious GO!

Ryan created for extra credit at school, a menu that consisted entirely of canned items... 

Then acted as my Chef with his menu in hand!

On the 15th, Ryan's grade enjoyed a day at the Heritage Festival.

They learned that only "well mannered children got to attend school"...

Got the watch war reenactments, 
as well as learn children's games from 
WAAAAAAY before the electronic era!

Before we could blink it was already Thanksgiving Day!

We had a group just over a dozen...

Enjoyed Family Time...

As well as the drinks...

And the food!  

Baseball Season began on Black Friday with a BANG! 

The next day, Ryan struck out one looking...

Another swinging...

And caught another looking!

On Sunday in the Semi Final Game, he had a single and RBI...

And another single!

We hope you and your family had a blessed November and remember what the 
Christmas season is all about as we roll into December!