Sunday, January 6, 2019

Our Jam Packed December!

Hooray for December!
Christmas Spirit is never lacking at our house! 

We get an ornament for the boys each year.
This year we chose school photo ornaments since
Evan and Ryan are both in public school for the first time of their school careers.

The boys read this book each year 
so that our Elf, Jingle Buddy and Reindeer, Randall
know to make their debut.

For his school biography project, Ryan chose to write about Daddy!
It was a surprise for Freddy!

Evan had his Shadow Day at Seton Catholic this month.
He loved the school!

Now he just has to get accepted.
We can't believe we are going to be parents of a High Schooler next year!

On the 7th, we drove to Henderson, NV
for USSSA's Winter Blast Tourney!
Here is Ryan's base hit in Game #2.

We stayed at the Green Valley Ranch Resort.
It was a great hotel!
It even had an iceskating rink!

The view from our room was incredible!

In the first game of day #2, Ryan had another base hit!

Also caught a kid stealing in the Semi Final Game!

He had a hit in the Semi Final Game also...

And participated in a Strike 'em Out, Throw 'em Out 
from the knee in the Semi Final Game!!!
Don't mind the screaming!  I was SOOOO excited!  Lol!

In the Championship Game Ryan had another base hit...

And another!  We won!!!

USSSA Super NIT Winter Blast Champions!

We were so proud of Ryan and his teammates!

For several weeks,
Ryan and his classmates worked together to create a STEAM car to race.

His group won 2nd place in their class!

I got the boys new Christmas pajamas. 
They brought out their personalities!  Ha ha!

As we do each year, we went to the Christmas tree lot before
winter break began to pick out the boys tree!

Then they bring it in from the truck and decorate it on their own!

On Freddy's birthday we went to breakfast, 
then Ryan made a cake for Daddy while Evan played Nintendo with him.
Then it was gift time...

He loved the cards and gifts the boys gave him!

In the evening we went to Mastro's to celebrate!

Ryan decided he wanted to go to the mall to buy some gifts,
so I took him and we made it a Mother/Son Date Night!

He saw Santa, we watched a movie, ate dinner, and he completed his shopping list.
It was a sweet night!

On Christmas Eve the boys sprinkled reindeer food on the lawn.
We also ate tamales, looked at Christmas lights, and opened gifts from Freddy's family!

Before bed, the boys laid out goodies for Santa.

Ryan's wish list was extra sweet!

On Christmas morning, the boys awoke to find they got the first thing on their list!

We opened gifts and enjoyed our time together on Christmas Day!

The next tournament for the Stars was USSSA's Winter Nationals.
While on the mound, Ryan struck out a kid in Game #1...

Had a 2 RBI Single in Game #2...

Had a double and a single in Game #3, 
but the double didn't record...

A double in Game #4...

As well as a throw down to 2nd for the out!

Then in the Championship Game, he threw out another!

And got a single!

The Stars won playing up in the 12U AAA Division!

What a way to finish out 2018!

Before we knew it, it was time to Ring in the New Year!

We decided to have a slumber party with some of our closest friends!

The kids had a blast playing together and counting down the hours until midnight! 

The men played poker, the women danced, and we all just enjoyed each-others company! 

In the morning, we ate some yummy breakfast...

Sat around by the fire pit...

Reminisced about the night...

And made some smore's!
We made some amazing memories in 2018 and can't wait to see what 2019 holds!
We wish you all a happy and healthy new year!