Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Close of our Summer...

The last few weeks of our summer was jam packed!

We enjoyed fun at home on the 4th!

I also took the boys to Gravity Extreme!

They each reached the top...

And then dropped!  Yikes!!!

Next we went to California for a short family vacation, as well as a USA tryout for Ryan!

Freddy and I got a date night at Don Cuco's...

And we all went to the beach!

It was 20 degrees cooler on the coast than it was inland!

So because of that, Ryan was really the only one who went in the water!

Freddy and I enjoyed taking in the rays,
then it was time to head back to Santa Clarita for baseball.

Ryan's buddies, Brayden and Ryan (Rhino) were at the tryout too...

Along with Connor!  Our time together with them and their families was a blast!

Below is a short link to Ryan's Highlights on the field! Enjoy!

When Ryan was at the field one day, Evan and I went to Magic Mountain!

I hadn't been there since I was a teenager, and Evan had never been.
He is a huge thrill seeker and loved it!

I loved the time I got to spend with him there!

The day before we left town, we HAD to squeeze in a trip to Corner Cottage!
I introduced my friend Tania to the good stuff!  Ha ha!

Vic came to visit and watch Ryguy play,
so while Freddy and Vic hung out for the evening...

I took the boys to Universal Studios!

We went on everything they wanted...
including Harry Potter the rollercoaster!

We also got them Butterbeer for a treat...

And met a funny cop!

Evan and I rode the new Jurassic World ride together...

Then he and Ryan went on The Mummy together...

So while I waited for them, I found a friend!

Before the Tram Tour, the boys each got a HUGE donut!

It was a great afternoon & evening with the boys at Universal!

Before our flight out, we swung by Giamela's for a yummy pepper steak!

It was a wonderful trip!

The last week of July, Ryan started school!
He is in the CTA program at Charlotte Patterson Elementary.

6th Grade in Mrs. Smith's class was off to a great start on Meet the Teacher Night!

Ryan decided before he hit the books to run a lemonade stand...

And made some decent cash in doing so!

On the 23rd, Ryan started his LAST 1st Day of Elementary School!
(On the left was a pic of his 1st Day of Kinder.  Where does the time go!?)

Evan decided to have himself drawn as a Simpson character!

We all loved the result!  

Since the commitment didn't interfere with baseball,
and he showed interest in the trumpet,
Ryan joined the band at school!

To close out the month, a few other baseball things happened!
There was a cool article in the LA Times that was posted... 

And Freddy did a signing. He was asked to have his autograph included on this.
It's a Ty Cobb Batting Title winner poster!

Sorry I was a little late into the month to post this.
August's blog will follow shortly after!
We hope this finds you all healthy and happy!