Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Spring is our Whole New World!

Our month started with the Stars boys working hard to fundraise for Cooperstown!
We split the team between two Spring Training stadiums.  It was a fun day! 

Siblings and Mommas joined in on the action too!

St Patty's Day decor went up...

We celebrated Dr Seuss' Birthday at school with an appropriate, "moving on" to Junior High book...

And Ryan qualified to participate in his school Track and Field Meet!

Throwing the javelin was all new to him.
His first attempt was 65'10" and his second was 65'3".
He didn't place, but we were proud of him for trying his best!

Then Ryan ended another successful quarter
(and school year) at school with a fun field day!

The weekend of the 6th, the Stars played in a 3 day tourney.
Teams from all over came to Arizona to participate.

Above is a quick clip of Ryan's Highlight Reel from the weekend.

He even hit me a Birthday Homerun!!!

The 2 Arizona Teams squared off in the Championship game.
We took 2nd place, losing by just 1 run.
It is always a bummer to lose,
but we were so proud of the boys for their effort! 

To celebrate my 41st Birthday, I went to the spa for a massage and facial on the 5th.
It was soooo nice!

Then on the 8th, we celebrated with cake, gifts...

And a get together with the whole Stars team at a cool place called Social Hall!

The link above is AWESOME!
It's of Evan singing karaoke with some of the Stars as his backup dancers!
It was such a fun night!  I had a terrific birthday weekend!
Thank you to everyone who wished me well!

Then, all of sudden the world as we know it changed!
On the 13th, even Evan was tired of bring quarantined and headed outside for some fresh air!

Ryan is the type of kiddo who HAS to stay active when he is stuck at home.
He and Dad played a fun game of Safe/Out and recorded attempts in Slo-Mo one evening!

Ok our world full of chaos and uncertainty I feel like now is finally time to share our trying last year and make you all fully aware of our happy current events!

We are so excited to announce that the Sanchez Family is growing!!!
Below you will see a few photos of our gorgeous baby GIRL that we are expecting at the beginning of August!

She is our rainbow baby...meaning, she is our rainbow after a storm.
I will explain once you enjoy her most recent ultrasound photos!

So, like I said, I will explain the storm.
It's a long story, but we started trying to grow our family in August of 2018...
Then last year on March 20th, we found out we were pregnant!

At week 13 our genetic testing came back with devastating news.
We would have to say goodbye to our little girl because she had a very rare genetic abnormality, Trisomy 13.

We induced, labored and delivered her instead of agreeing to a D&C.
May 17th we got to meet our baby girl, Grace RaVae.
I will share a video link below that I made in her honor.  It helped me with closure.

A little backstory on the slideshow song choices...
The Best News Ever was the first song that came on the radio when I got in the car after taking my first pregnancy test...on my way to CVS to get another one to double check.

The next song was an easy choice as well.
After the horrible news, Freddy and I got in the car,
headed to the OB's office to pick up the envelope that would tell us the baby's sex
and Amazing Grace was the first song that came on the radio.
Hence her name!

Please enjoy Gracie's video below...

Losing Grace was the hardest thing our family has had to endure.
We feel so blessed and thankful to God that here we are expecting a healthy baby girl!
We can't WAIT to have her here with us!

Stay safe!  Stay home!
Take care all!  Freddy, Alissa, Evan, Ryan, and Baby Girl