Tuesday, September 1, 2020

August - Family of Five!


On August 3rd, since the boys couldn't physically be at the hospital due to COVID,
we were able to welcome Baby Madison and introduce them on FaceTime as she arrived!

She was so much smaller than the boys were when they were born!

Daddy was smitten instantly...

And so was I!

                                                 We came home from the hospital on August 5th.
                                                    The boys were OVER THE MOON in love!

                     Also on the 5th, Ryan started his first day of Virtual 7th Grade & Junior High!


Then on the 7th, instead of our usual Mastro's Dinner with a Buttercake in between us,
we celebrated our 18th Wedding Anniversary with take out and a beautiful sweetie in between us!

The boys have REALLY taken every opportunity to get cuddle time with their sister!

Or "vibe" time as Evan would say!  Ha ha!

She is so much fun!

For one of Ryan's "All About Me" school assignments, he was able to include Maddie!

Thank you Montalbano's for the adorable preemie clothes!

                                    We quickly found out that newborn clothes were too big! 

When she was 1 week old, Maddie was almost back up to her birth weight!

On the 17th, Evan started his first day of Virtual Sophomore Year!

That same day, Ryan was awarded best Show and Tell in class!  Ha ha!

Here is our long and skinny munchkie in comparison to her binky/stuffed animal!


                                  My guys melt my heart when they spend time with Madison!

How could they not!?

She is so full of personality already!

And the baby smell...still fresh!

August 22nd was Rainbow Baby Day,
so we took the time to celebrate Maddie and Gracie! 

This was the poster Ryan made for Gracie the morning we had to tell her goodbye,

Thank you Aguilar's for the piƱata!

The boys enjoyed cracking it open!!!


                                              So blessed to wake up to this face everyday!

In the above link you will see she may never be allowed to get married!
Lol!  Adorable video of Daddy/Maddie Time!


                           Watch out world! There are two ladies in the Sanchez Household now!

If you watch the video in the link above,
Maddie should bring a smile to your face as you watch her enjoy
what we are guessing are sweet dreams!

Ryguy had his first scrimmage of the new season on the 29th,
so although we didn't get out of the car (so we could stay away from germs and heat),
we got Madison all dressed up to root her brother on!


Each day with our new little blessing brings so much love and joy to our household!

We hope this blog brings some extra joy to each of your days as well!
Stay safe and healthy everyone!
See you in September!