Monday, November 9, 2020

Continuing to "Fall" in Love as a Family of Five in October!

The month of October brought us...Halloween Decor!

(Which took me longer than usual to put up with our new addition!  Ha ha!)  

On the 3rd, Maddie turned 2 months old!
At her well check appointment she weighed 9 lbs 1 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long!

In between wardrobe changes, we had a nice little conversation...
(click on Dropbox link above to enjoy!)

Her room is finally complete!

And although she doesn't sleep in it just yet, she loves it!

She also loves Evan...

And Ryan of course!

Anytime you see these blue links, click on them to watch! 

"Thank You Daddy!  I feel cute!"

Her MamaRoo chair has been a great hangout spot...

Whenever Madison isn't being cuddled by one of us!
Evan calls her his "Little Cutie Patootie!"

On the 5th there was a beautiful "Gracelike" Sunset!

Maddie's got such a great wardrobe!
She even has leg warmers to sport - Flashdance style!

I love her little headbands and ballet slipper socks!  

Slimer scared Evan one day! Madison wasn't phased!  ;)

Although I say all the time that Evan entertains Madison,
I think he was thoroughly entertained by her here!

Auntie Sarah Meets Maddie!

Freddy's Mom and Sister got their COVID testing done so they could meet Madison!

We hadn't seen them in person since March!
It was a wonderful visit!

Maddie's Fan Club!

The Stars 1st Tournament in October was called Strikeout Cancer,
so Ryan pulled out the pink!

And so did Freddy!

On the 13th, Ryan had his 1st Day of 7th Grade in person!

Thriller Man!

Then on the 16th, Tiff and Family came for a visit after their COVID testing and quarantine period!

It was so awesome to be able to show off our little ray of sunshine to them!

Summer and William were really good with her!

We hung out in the pool on that Saturday!

Water Baby!

Then went to a Pumpkin Patch on that Sunday!

There was a pallet maze...

A cow train...

A photo opportunity for Evan...

As well as one for Mommy and Madison!

It was a spooktacular time!
After Freddy and I left to get Maddie out of the heat,
Tiff and Fam stayed with the boys for...

Our little pumpkin was wiped out from the excitement of the day!

Thank you for coming!
We loved your stay and can't wait to see you all again!!!

Last year Evan did a photo shoot for Seton.
We saw one of his photos on the school's homepage this month!

Also this month, Evan passed his Drivers Permit Test!
Freddy took him to the DMV to take his picture,
so now he is awaiting the physical permit to come in the mail.

On weekday mornings, Freddy takes both boys to school.
When he comes home, Daddy gets to see his happy girl!  

I traded out the bassinet on the stroller for the big girl seat!

Rainbows make her Smile...and mornings make her stretch!

The boys were asking who she looks more like,
so I found similarly angled photos around the same ages of them to compare.
Evan is on the top left and Ryan is on the top right.
Madison is in both of the bottom photos.
Who do you think she looks like? 

Each year we "Boo" people.
Ryan wrapped our little Casper up for the ride!!! 

Usually I go out to the store to shop for the goodies,
but this year I used Instacart to pull it all together!

Before Brother left for his scrimmage one Saturday morning,
he put Madison in his new helmet!
She fit like a "glove"!  Ha ha!

With COVID, we pick and choose what games to go to.
Since we didn't go to the game, we watched Ryguy on Game Changer!

Ryan's Scrimmage vs Halos Highlights

Each year Freddy takes the boys to Fear Farm in Phoenix before Halloween.
This year was different than other years, but at least they got to attend!
I took a picture of them before they left.

Then Freddy took a few of the boys there.
They were also able to do a drive-thru haunted house before Halloween!
It's great that although life isn't "normal" this year,
people are finding creative ways to make life feel normal!

This face...

So happy...

To be going to Ryan's 1st Junior High Baseball Game!

Freddy is the Assistant Coach & 3 of Ryan's Teammates are on the Team! 

Maddie and I were happy to cheer Ryguy on!
And yes...he IS taller than me now!

We love Madison's Gummy Grin!

Car Ride!

And she loves bathtime...

And looking at herself in the mirror!

She has been making such cute faces...

And loves cuddles from her Brother!

For Halloween, although we didn't go anywhere or Trick o' Treat,
we still dressed up for fun! 

Meet Lucy Wilde, Gru and his Minions! 

Ryan chose the theme...

And even found Maddie's costume on Etsy!

Evan also chose a costume!

Alan and Carlos go for a Stroll!

He had me ROLLING with laughter! It was spot on!

Our Itsy Bitsy Boo had a wonderful 1st Halloween!

Since we weren't doing anything festive on Halloween night,
Freddy and the Stars played in a Perfect Game Tourney in Kingman, Arizona.
Madison and I ended the night, by watching Ryan's games that were live streaming!
Evan even set them up to play on the TV for us!

If you made it this far into the blog, I applaud you!
It was the longest yet, but it was so hard to whittle down the fun pictures and videos!

Stay safe and have a Blessed Thanksgiving everyone!