Friday, February 12, 2021

A Fresh Start!

On the 3rd, we celebrated Madison's 5 Month Birthday!

She is loved more than ever...

And is being introduced to solids now!

Evan got an electronic desk for Christmas.
Now he has the option to sit or stand while working!
He put it together himself!

Maddie got a new seat for eating and playtime!

She is getting so strong...

And is generally such a happy girl!

Our smiley little girl...

Enjoys all of the love from her brothers!

This outfit...

Was actually an outfit of her cousin Izzy's!

Daddy's Rollercoaster is ALWAYS fun!

It's been so cool out,
but I couldn't NOT dress her in this adorable springy outfit one day! 

This pink blanket is a favorite of Maddie's.
She has really been enjoying our walks these days!

One of Maddie's Christmas gifts from us came with a sweatband,
so Ryan found a ball for her play with!

Daddy always makes Maddie laugh!

Little Cutie!

The boys made a mundane job fun!

Evan happily wrapped up his brother when asked!  Lol!

Ryan is in General Art Class at school.
Here he is working on an assignment for it.
I thought it was cute to see my almost 13 year old with a jar of crayons in front of him.

One evening Evan took a picture of this beautiful sunset for me. 

Maddie isn't a Night Owl by any stretch of the imagination,
but she looks awfully cute in these cozy pajamas.

She is getting really good at planks and scooting!

Oh how she loves...

Attention from her "Bruda's"!

I have several nicknames for her,
but Love Bug is one of my favorites!

She enjoys her afternoons on the swings!

She also loves the jacuzzi!

She is getting good at standing with help as well!

Before Bruda and Dada went to the field for the USSSA MLK Tourney,
they took a picture with Madison.

Then she got all dressed up to root on Ryguy!

Go Stars!

They did awesome! Won the 1st 2 Pool Play Games!

The excitement wore her out!

The next day Maddie got all dressed up again...

Said goodbye to her brother...

We wished him luck...

And off he went for Day 2 of the Tourney!
They did awesome once again!
The Stars won Pool Play Game #3 and then tied Pool Play Game #4.

Usually I make an iMovie Highlight Video from Ryan's Tourney's but I am a little behind on baseball video editing from our GoPro, so I will add it here later.

For now, thankfully Ryan's Best Friend's Mom took the following video for me on her phone!

A high five from Dad/Coach as he rounded 3rd...we were soooo happy for him!
His homer tied up the game! He also hit another homerun in that tourney!

Evan and I have enjoyed so much quality time together since I haven't been taking Madison to the games.
I am so thankful I get the best of both worlds!
I am able to stay safely at home, watching the stream...

And spending time with my Big Boy!

Maddie enjoys her cuddle time with her biggest brother too!

On the last day of the tournament,
Maddie got another picture with Ryguy before he headed off to the field once again!

We watched/streamed the games once again!

And the tourney ended in the best way possible for the Stars!

They came out on top and took home the Championship!!!

Evan is our little photographer.

We spend each day after school on the playground.

He did a little photoshoot with Maddie one day!

I thought they were so cute!

He even caught this on video!
She rolled from her back to her tummy for the 1st time!

She is getting better at sitting...

And enjoys the grass!

Thank you "Bruda" for the playground fun! 

Ryan wanted to feed Madison dinner one day...

So he did...

Although most of it ended up on her tray and all over her body! Ha ha!

I am so glad she enjoys the jacuzzi because I do too!


Peek - a - Boo on her own!

Aahhhh!  Evan is teaching "Baby" as he calls her to drive already!? Ha ha!

This little gown is so pretty on Madison!
Thank you Holly!

Poor Maddie is always so lonely and bored...

Never has any fun with her brothers or Daddy!  Lol!

Thanks to a chilly afternoon,
Madison finally got a chance to wear her bear outfit on our walk!

She really did look like a teddy bear!

She also got to enjoy the swings with Ryguy...

Since she was cozy and not cold!

The Saturday before Ryan's 13th Birthday...

We let him open his BIG gift from us so could enjoy it over the weekend!
He was SOOOO shocked!

Then on the 26th which was his actually birthday, 
we woke him up with a bunch of balloons...

McD's breakfast...

And then sent him off to school.

After school we had his requested Chipootle burrito ready for him...

Then we went our on the swings like we usually do each afternoon.

The boys had me laughing while they played on the tire swing
like they used to when they were little!

At his actual birth time,
we sang Happy Birthday...

And enjoyed Ryan's jello cake he requested Freddy's Mom make for him!

Auntie Sarah dropped a gift by for Ryan...

Then he opened his presents.
He had asked us for Bruce Bolt batting gloves...

And he asked Maddie for a weighted blanket like her weighted sleep sack!

He loved all of his gifts!
Thank you to all of you who sent him well wishes, gifts & cards!
He felt loved for sure!

One day Daddy took Madison outside to watch the rain. 

Before we knew it, it was time for another Stars tourney weekend!

We watched the USSSA Bell Classic Tourney from home.
They won Pool Play Game #1 and lost Pool Play Game #2.

After the games, Ryan showered and took Maddie outside...

Then Evan woke up, showered and joined us.

Bracket Play Day was on the 31st. 
The boys won their 1st Bracket Game,
then lost the Semi Final Game.

Once again, I do not have Ryan's Game Highlights
put together yet.  I will add it later on.
I didn't want this blog to get out to you all too late into the month of February.

To round out our update for the month,
this is how I have gotten to shower
when Freddy and the boys aren't available to watch Maddie.
Baby Einstein or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the iPad
has been a lifesaver in the car also!

Thanks for reading!
Take care and stay safe everyone!
Sending our love...into February!