Monday, March 22, 2021

All We Need is Love...

February was full of new things for Maddie, like sitting!

On the 3rd, Maddie celebrated her 1/2 Birthday!

Evan said she was "too heavy" since she was so old!

There is always love in Daddy's Hands!

Our little character "decorated his sister"!

Evan took these one day when were out playing...

I really liked the periwinkle color on Madison!

Swingin' to Hey Jude!

Big girl in a big seat!

On Super Bowl Sunday...

Maddie got all dressed up...

And went on her 1st outing with Daddy and Ryguy to watch a baseball game!

So I was able to get things setup like I normally do for the game!

Even though it was just the 5 of us, we had a good time!

Evan was being goofy...

And Maddie was confused by how his head got
under the window of her  new activity center!  Ha ha!

We were wanting to see a good game,
but although it was pretty one sided,
we enjoyed ourselves anyway!

This onesie was actually worn by Maddie's cousin, Izzy!

Our little munchkin is really enjoying her new toy!
It gives Mommy a few minutes of freedom also!

Part of my heart! XOXO

This butterfly pillow light was Izzy's as well!
Madison plays with it every morning while I make my coffee.

Naked Baby Hustle!

She's tickles the ivories whenever she hangs out in Evan's room.

We try to get out on the swings every day.
On this day she played too hard!

Bwuda Pulled a Daddy!

Several days a week we try to get in the jacuzzi.

We all enjoy the soak!

Auntie sent Maddie this PRECIOUS outfit for Valentine's Day!

She also sent this board book...

And each of the boys a t-shirt!

Even though we spent the day at home...

We got dressed up and enjoyed it together! 

The boys even watched Maddie so Freddy and I could have a quiet dinner together!

We cracked open a bottle of wine...

Opened our cards...

And Freddy gifted me a footprint necklace!
I have one for each of the boys with their feet on them,
so he wanted me to have one for Maddie too!

It was a great night!

Auntie Tiffani gifted Maddie this adorable t-shirt...

So we continued the love fest by wearing it the following day!

She is starting to enjoy solid foods!
This morning was an organic version of Nutella and Beechnut oatmeal. 

Love our sweet girl!

Sweet Potato!

Madison seems to enjoy pieces of food more than pureed foods.


Our little sweetie with our bigger sweetie!

Kisses from Bwuda!

Our hammock fell down a few years ago.
I hadn't taken the time to figure out how to rehang it until recently.

It has added another spot to relax at home which is wonderful!


WIth spring just around the corner, I am enjoying dressing Maddie in some of her cute onesies.

She gets into this position and tries to sit up all the time!
She's going to be a crawler super soon!

Porridge/Oatmeal with Almond Butter!

Once again, we were so proud of the boys that they were able to play up and pull out a victory!

Thankful to Miss Tania for getting a pic of Ryan with the trophy...

Add Freddy and Ryan together with it!

One morning since I have been noticing some wave to Maddie's hair,
I put my curl cream in it after bath!


A Little Peek-a-Boo Fun!

Later, Evan used my diffuser and curl cream to do his hair also!
Here is a side by side of Evan and Maddie at 6 months old!

One day at school it was Throwback Thursday,
so Ryan got creative!

I got did a side by side of Ryan and Maddie at 6 months old also!
Who do you think she looks like?

Dress up has always been something especially Evan enjoyed when he was younger.
He decided to dress up Maddie one day!

Besides the Pirate Headwear, there was the Happy Clown Wig...

And the Cool Rapper Garb!

Freddy had been dying to introduce a lime wedge to her!

The faces she made were awesome! Ha ha!

Fun with Daddy never gets old!

I thought the reflection in this picture was neat!
Evan loves spending time with her!

And so does Ryan!

We are so thankful for the joy and love she has brought to our family!
Sorry this blog was posted a little later than usual.
I wanted to include the baseball videos this time!