Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Our March - A Month of Hope and Growth!

 Playtime or Breakfast Time!?

March 2nd was Dr Seuss' Birthday...
Auntie Tiffani got Maddie a super cute outfit for the occasion!

This moment made my heart so happy!
Watch below...

On the 3rd, Maddie turned 7 months old!

Maddie showed Bwuda her shades for when they go out for a cruise!

Bubba is always ready for some Maddie cuddles!

New foods were big this month!


After a drive thru at Dutch Bros,
Bwuda's sticker went on Maddie's head for breakfast! 

pOp, pOp, pOp the bUbBles!

Tada! Blow up T-Rex night for Ryguy!

On my birthday, we started the day with a little dress up action... 

Then Freddy and Evan hung out with Maddie while I got a massage!

After we enjoyed some outdoor fun!

I even got to lay out for a few minutes...

In my favorite spot in the yard!

Then we got showered and dressed for gifts...

And cake...

I even got to FaceTime Nell!

I had a wonderful day!

We are very thankful for the weather we have
which allows us to hang out outside each day!

Ryan made St Patrick's Day themed ice cream!

Maddie enjoyed her first teppanyaki meal!
She was a big fan of the rice, shrimp, steak & veggies!

Evan has been quite the chess player lately!
It's almost impossible to beat him!

We can't get enough of our time outside!

                        Ryan's USSSA Spring Championship Super NIT Tourney Highlights
will eventually go here! I just haven't had time to create the highlight reel.
He had 7 singles and a stolen base in 6 games!

Congratulations USSSA Spring Championship Super NIT Champs!

My happy guys! So proud of you both!

During Ryan's Spring Break,
he wanted bathe her like he used to!

Speaking of bathing,
this is how I can get a shower in if no one else can watch her.
Baby Einstein!

My goofy Bubba and I.

On St Patty's Day, I got the rainbows out... 

You never know if there will be a pot of gold at the end of it!?

Evan had a Lucky Charms shirt on.


For the 1st time since Madison was born,
we decided to take a trip out of the house as a family of 5! 

We went to the Phoenix Zoo!

I don't know that Maddie noticed anything different about the day...

But the boys sure did!

It was a really fun time!

Thank you Phoenix Zoo!

Maddie likes to pull up on everything now!

She also still enjoys the jacuzzi...

And hummus!

Really likes the hummus! Lol!

We had such a great experience at the zoo,
I decided to take the kids to the Arizona Boardwalk!

There was a place called "Surprise Your Eyes"...

There was also a dinosaur experience!

It was such a busy day, Maddie passed out in her stroller!

At the aquarium, there were sting rays...


The boys said Maddie enjoyed the escalator the most!

It was another wonderful day!

Thank you Odysea Aquarium!

While the boys hit up the gift shop,
Maddie and I waited in the car.

Madison loves playing with her brush after bath!

Maddie/Daddy Breakfast...

Uh oh! The freezer broke.
Thankfully it got fixed pretty quickly!

A lot of eating pics this month, but she is a foodie like her Momma!

"HELLO CU-you-TIE" as Evan would say!

I can play too Bwuda!

Good luck Bubba!
Before Saturday's games...

And before Sunday's game!

I will eventually insert
Ryan's USSSA Spring Training IV Tourney Highlights here.
I haven't had time to put this reel together either.
Life keeps me BUSY!  Ha ha!

Maddie loves to pull things out of baskets.
Too bad she doesn't know how fold! Ha ha!

I had been talking about finding live bunnies to take pictures with Maddie for Easter.
Then Freddy found this sweet little bunny at the field.
So ironic!
He took it to the wildlife center the following day to be cared for.
Stay tuned for Easter pics...

During NCAA Finals, Daddy & Maddie were matching in their USC gear!

She was ready to ball it up! Too bad they lost in the Elite 8!

To wrap up the month,
she had to have some Bubba love...

And Bwuda caught her in the act of pulling up/standing on her own!
She was so proud of herself!!!

Hope you enjoyed!
Take care and stay safe!
See you in April!