Sunday, May 30, 2021

Mother, May I?

Mother, may I nap in your lap?

Mother, may I watch a show?

We all chose horses,
but since Maddie is 8 months old and can't talk,
we chose the #8 for her and she won!

Mother, may I FaceTime Bubba?

Mother, may I turn 9 months old?

Mother, may I play with Bubba & Bubbles?

Mother, may I get my DRIVERS LICENSE!?

Mother, may I wear sunglasses?

Pack N Play Time!

Mother, may I sit shotgun with Bwuda?

Mother, may I play peek-a-boo?

Mother, may I help you with the dishes?

Mother revamped the backyard!!! 

Mother, may I rise with the sun?

Mother, may I splash with you?

Mother, may I play with you?

Mother, may I sit with you?

Mother, may we eat out for the first time in 14 months?
(Freddy took the boys.)

Mother, we got you flowers!

Mother, Good Morning & Happy Mommy's Day!

Mother, here's some breakfast!

Mothers, here are roses for you!

Mothers, here's a Championship for you!

Mother, my turn to FaceTime you!

Mother, home at last with you!

Mother, we love you!

Mother, no cooking for you!

Mother, had an awesome day!

Mother, may I have a ride?

Mother, may I nap with her?

Mother, do I look pretty in yellow?

Mother, watch me pick the right color!

Always Moving!

Mother, may I help you clean?

Mother, I may have curls like you!

Mother, may I cuddle with you?

Mother, watch our wiffle ball game!

Mother, want to play with us?

Mother, take a few min to yourself.

Mother, ready to swim with us?

Mother, I miss you.
Nice to meet you sissy!

Mother, I am going to read Gracie Bear
a story for her 2nd Heavenly Birthday.

Grace in the Wind...

Mother, I know you will love me always.
Love, Grace RaVae Sanchez - 05/17/19

Mother, oh my...

Mother, this is my messy room, messy hair don't care look!

My Toy!

Mother, this is how Daddy and I prep for nap each day!

Mother, tell my future husband I am a shoe lover!

Mother, I finally got my Bottle Rocket to...


Mother. I want to finish the school year out strong!

Mother, look at my double chin!

Pure LOVE!

Mother,  doesn't this melt your heart!?

Mother! What do you think of this!?

Standing - So Big!

Mother, don't you have some adorable kids?

Mother, I Love You!


I thought being that May is the month to celebrate Mother's,
I would theme this blog in that way!

I hope all of you Mother's out there had beautiful Mother's days
and were made to feel as special as you are!

On another note! TGIS!
Thank Goodness it Summer!
Enjoy and BE SAFE!