Sunday, February 13, 2022

Scary Fun for Everyone!

Hooray for Spooky Season!

Per Ryan's request,
we agreed to put together a haunted house for Trick o' Treaters this year!


Maddie said she wanted to help be a "scarer"!

But first she said she had to be Bubba's cheerleader!

In the 1st Game of the tourney,
Ryan was credited with the win!
He didn't give up a run, only allowed 2 hits in 5 innings and struck out 4!

His teammates were proud of him...

And so was Maddie of course!

The next day was bracket play...

Which wore the cheerleader out!

In the Semi-Final Game Ryan went 2 for 2 with 2 RBI's!

Ryguy took Maddie on a victory lap!

The Stars came out on top,
winning the championship in the Mr October Baseball Showcase Tourney!

On the 4th we took Maddie to her 1st playground!

She had more fun running in the grass...

And playing in the wood chips! 😆

We did go down the slide together though!

Cuddle Time is Bubba's FAVORITE!

Baby Horror Tram!

We still have chairs from parties when the boys were little...
now Maddie can enjoy them!

Maddie is the newest sidewalk chalk fan!

She's also an Evan fan! 😛

Each year Freddy would take the boys to
Fear Farm (a local place with Haunted Mazes),
but this year Evan drove them instead!

Saturday's during football season are always fun in our house!

Everyone gets SC'd out and enjoys the game together!

On the 10th, Dad and Ryan took Maddie to the aquarium!
Thankfully they didn't actually feed her to a shark! 😉 

They did get to see some really fun animals like penguins...

Baby alligators...


And once again...
no babies were harmed during their aquarium outing! 😜

While they were hanging out at Odysea,
Evan and I got dressed up...

And Evan chauffeured us...

To ASU's Gammage Theatre to see... 


It was such a great show and I had an awesome time with my eldest kiddo!
I can't wait to see Evan's name in a Playbill one day!

Evan picked up Jamba Juice!
It was Maddie's 1st one!

Once it got dark out,
we loaded up the kids and the goodies to "Boo" some neighbors!

Ok, which animal do want to be?


Goodnight Goon!

Hello Mother Nature's Farm!

Hello Pumpkin Patch!

Hello Cute Kiddos...

In a Little Corn Maze!

Brothers, where'd you go?

There is one!

And there's the other!

Don't be sad! 😂

You can have have fun doing other things!



"Hee Haw"!

My Oldest Pumpkin and I! 

Feeding the Pigs was a HIT!

And so was Daddy!

The Stagecoach was NOT! 

It was neat that our tickets also got us each a pumpkin to take home!

The fun wore Maddie out!

But the boys still went out for some fun that night!
Ryan's school had a dress up football game which worked out nicely!

It's unusual to see either of the boys reading a book...
unless of course it's to Maddie! 😍

It is not unusual to see Maddie reading!

She absolutely LOVES books!

As we were packing the guys up to go out of town for baseball,
Maddie put on Bubba's shirt and ran around the house. 😍

One more squeeze before they hit the road...

He made this! Sooo sweet!

She finally learned how to say Evan instead of just "Buda"

While the guys were out of town,
Evan decided he would join us for nap. 💤

So many choices...📚

At the Perfect Game Las Vegas Fall Super Regional NIT Tourney in Henderson,
Ryan had a great outing against MBA Nevada!
He got the win after only allowing one run on three hits over six innings.
He struck out nine and only walked one!

The boys didn't come away with Championship this time,
losing 3-2 in the Semi's to CBA Game USA.
But, they had a great trip regardless!

When they got back home,
Daddy bought a Burley!

Ryguy got to take Maddie on her first bike ride!

Then we decorated pumpkins!
(Evan was at rehearsal.)

Maddie's was a pretty Unicorn!

Ryan made a 2021 masked man!

He then made us cupcakes!
It was a fun day!

Daddy took her for a ride and she passed out! 😆

Later that day she was a little too quite while I was making lunch,
so I took a peek and she had proudly parked her booty in this box behind the table!

Ryan and his friends put together
manned their Haunted House all Halloween Night!
Above is an example of one group of Trick o' Treaters who braved it!
It was pretty impressive!

The Scaring Bunch!

Evan wants to continue this tradition with Maddie each year.
Last year...The Hangover!
This year...The Egg Man and the Walrus! 
(Any Beatles fans get it?)

Which came first??? 😂

I was so proud of Ryan and all of the work he put in!

Maddie didn't make it to the end of the Daddy cuddles it was!

I almost missed getting a pic with my Egg Man,
but caught him just before bed!
It was a big weekend for Evan because he had 3 shows to perform in at school!
(Video to come in November's Blog.)

Before October comes to a close,
can you guess what our family theme was this year?

Yes! The Wizard of Oz!

So off Dorothy went to find the yellow brick road...

But wait...there's more!

See you in November!