Friday, March 4, 2022

Thankful and Grateful!

When the Halloween Decor got put away,
the Thanksgiving Decor went up!

Whooo's ready for more fall fun?

 Maddie is!
ROAR says the Lion!

On the 6th was the Homecoming Dance!
Dad helped Evan get ready.

He was super proud of his new shoes Freddy bought him!

He and his buddy, Niall gave us thumbs up that they were done with pics...

Then to the car they went!
Maddie couldn't believe they were old enough to drive themselves...
and she was upset she couldn't go!

The Fall Musical at Evan's School was Addams Family!

Evan was cast as Lucas...Wednesday's suitor!

It was a fun show!
The kids did a great job and Evan really lights up a stage!

Ryan was so supportive!
He went to 4 of the 5 shows!

Now Evan is dating Drue who played Wednesday.
They are really cute together!

Freddy got Maddie a Grinch BAB.
She decided she wanted to wear his clothes!

We went to watch Ryguy play on bracket day in Mid-November...

Maddie did more exploring than watching! 😆

She even managed to find a pine cone in the desert!

For Christmas Auntie and Family got Maddie a book subscription!
She loves it because the books even come individually wrapped!

Mail AND Books! What a great combo...

AND Bubba home from school!?

We honestly didn't think the day could get any better until...

Evan threw a party for a bear! 

Since my car needed a wash and Evan was free, he took Maddie for a cruise!

Then, since Daddy and Ryguy were packing to go to Nevada,
Maddie decided to pack herself...

But they left without her...
so she went ahead and found a good book to read instead!

I thought this was pretty cool!
Freddy got to Coach against his Glendale Community College Coach! 

Enjoy this Ryan reel!

The Stars prevailed!

Great job boys!

On the 23rd, I decided to take Maddie to the train park!

It was decorated for Christmas
and I just happened to have her dressed in white, red and gold!

She was hoping to cuddle the teddy here.

The train ride was wonderful!
We got the first car!

This picture was a must.
We have pictures of the boys in the same spot when they were little! 

All the excitement wore her out!

Before we knew it, it was Thanksgiving!

We made all of our family favorites!

We even wore stretchy pants...

And new turkey shirts!


God is Great, God is Good,
Let us Thank You for this Food!

Mission Accomplished!

The next day we enjoyed the family time...

The beautiful weather...

Had some laughs...

And wrapped up the day by watching The Elf on the Shelf...

And reading a good book!

Look at the smile Ryguy gets on his face when he gets Maddie love!

He LOVES getting cozy...

While Evan loves Dress Up!

Ryan is so generous!
He wanted to put goodie bags together for the homeless,
so that's what we did!

He even made some doggie goodie bags...

And bowls too!
It was sooo kind and thoughtful of him!
Once they were put together,
we drove around passing them out.
Everyone was really grateful!

Before we knew it,
it was the last day of November.
That meant pulling out the Christmas decorations...

And reading Elf on the Shelf!

Bubba made sure Maddie understood she had to be good for Jingle Buddy and Randall!
Then we went to bed and waited for the magic of December!