Saturday, April 16, 2022

December - The Gift of Family Time!

Hooray! Time for the magic of Christmas!

Thankfully for us, it's beautiful weather in December!

Maddie did a great job with the tree!
I thought she would rip off all of the ornaments, but she was...
'niiiiiice" (as she says when she has to be gentle). 

Down the Slide!

The nativity scene was a hit...

And Jingle Buddy and Randall were happy to come visit again this year!

Down the Slide Without Help!



Maddie was a fan of the lights!

She also enjoyed wearing the Santa hats!

One night as we do each year, we headed off in search of a kiddo tree!

It took 2 lots and a lot of sniffing,
but we ended up with the BEST tree we have ever gotten!

Thanks to this handsome guy for finding it!

Evan took a picture like this 2 years ago with just his penguin...
Then last year with his penguin and Maddie.
This year he recreated it for a 3rd time!

Dress Up is Always Fun!

New Christmas lights are also fun!

One day, Freddy walked out after showering
and he and Maddie were twinning!

The love in Daddy's eyes...soooo sweet!

Why Did You Say That!?

Each morning I make myself a protein shake.
One day I asked Madison if she wanted some.
Now when she sees me drinking it she says "some" and we share!

There is a new park by us with fishing,
so we tried it out with friends one day!

You could see the fish swimming,
so Maddie enjoyed watching!

Finally we got around to decorating the kiddo tree!

We like to put it in the nursery so we can close the door and keep the smell in!

Maddie loves the park and just being outside in general!


On the 21st it was Freddy's 44th birthday!

We baked him cakes and decorated his table! 

He made a wish...

Then opened gifts!

We tried hard to show him how special he is!
Love you Phillip!

Happy Girl...

Ryan had been asking for an Airsoft gun for Christmas.
His reaction was so great!

On Christmas Eve,
Freddy's Mom came over!

All set for Santa!

On Christmas morning, 
we waited for the boys to get up...

Then Maddie got love from her Brothers...

And we enjoyed the day as a family!

In case you didn't see it,
our Christmas card is attached below!

To round out the month (& year),
we were able to have Danielle's family visit!
Below is a link to a slideshow of their trip!

Nachtigall's Visit Slideshow!