Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Our Christmas Season!


I love how Christmas decorations make the house so cozy and warm!

This is a digital copy of our Christmas card
for those of you who didn't get one in the mail.

Evan missed the reading of the Elf on the Shelf Book the last day of November,
so he read it to Maddie on the 1st.  She named her Elf, Marshmallow!

Although USC's season didn't end as Freddy had hoped,
it was a vast improvement over the past few years for sure!

Above is a split screen of Evan and Drue from last Christmas to this year.

Maddie/Our Peppa Pig is all about "Muddie Puddles"
after a big rain!

Freddy got Maddie this Grinch at Build a Bear last year.
She had several cuddle sessions with him this year.

The curls...the jacket...😍

We went on a stroll one night and found Frosty...and his cartoon!

It was her favorite inflatable!

Is that a goat? Noooo! LOL!


For those of you you remember, Evan
was cast as Peter in Peter and the Star Catcher...

Below you will see his Performance in the Christmas Fine Arts Festival...

And next month he will star as Conrad Birdie
in his last High School Show...
Bye Bye Birdie!

Evan's played the guitar for a few songs...

Happy Christmas!

Then he completely surprised us with this!

His teacher said "He Nailed It!"!

I thought the blue lighting behind Evan looked cool here!

Drue came to the show...

As well as Ryan and I!
Freddy took one for the team and stayed at home with Maddie.

"On your mark..."

The backyard was so relaxing and festive on this particular night!

We invited Drue to hang a stocking on our mantle this year!

Ryguy took it upon himself to go outside
and decorate his gingerbread house one afternoon...

Evan and Drue each did one as well!

The playground is part of our regular morning routine.
It makes Maddie happy and wears her out for nap!


One Monday night we all went out to get the "kids" tree!

This is Evan's 4th year recreating this photo!

Jingle Bells!


Ok Bubba, your turn!

Gotta love our crazy crew!

Another successful tree outing!  

"I'm an elf!"

Totally into the holiday spirit!

Hugs for Bubba!

Couldn't tell who enjoyed it more!

Once the tree was in the nursery, it was time to decorate it!

She did it! Yay!

High Fives!

Done! Lights on...

Now we can finish watching "The Grinch".

Done! Lights off...

Presents for Gracie!

Evan taught Maddie some Lego Mastery...

And Ryan made her a Maddie Coaster!

Sooo cute!!!

My friend, Holly had this made for Freddy!

Then we all went to Mastro's for dinner!

It was our first time back since 2019!

Such a fun night and DELICIOUS of course too!

Thanks Gang!

Maddie likes Evan's new purchase almost as much as he does!

"Guess who. I am!?"

"You're Bubba!"

Do you spy Freddy?

He got to enjoy a guys night courtside when the Lakers were in town!

Lots of Christmas at the Princess Fun to follow...

We enjoyed it so much, we decided to spend another night there...

Ryan watched Maddie so Freddy and I could drive back home to gather more things
and pick up his Mom for the day/night!

Freddy was a saint for spending another day there since it fell on his actual birthday!
Oh what fun!

The following day,
I went with Evan to take a campus tour of ASU.

When we got home it was time for some belated gifts, cake and singing!

Happy 45th Phillip! We love you!

The next thing we knew...

It was Christmas Eve!

Evan, the Gingerbread Man got an ASU skateboard.

We ate tamales, looked at Christmas lights, and opened gifts from Freddy's family...

Then posed with the oats for the reindeer!

Come and get it Rudolph and Friends!

Clark did it!

Ok, one present!

Time to set out Santa's goodies...

Please stop here Santa!

Oh boy!

He came!

Maddie got a pink car!

Beep Beep!

And Bubba got a "yellow car" as Maddie says!

He was BEYOND shocked!

After those surprises, it was time for coffee...

And presents!

Evan's favorite article of clothing!

The boys even did shopping for each other...

And Maddie!

Maddie got a sandbox, and the sand feels like beach sand!

Drue came over on Christmas...

So it was time for round 3 of gifts!

They were thrilled with their matching Airpods!
We all had a wonderful Christmas together! 

The new normal before nap is a cruise around in Maddie's ride!
It has a parental remote until she gets older and Bluetooth too! 

Drue got Maddie the bear hat and mittens & Evan got her the robe.
She calls it her "Cutest in the Galaxy" robe! LOL!

Sorry to tell you sweet girl, but you aren't Santa! 😝

See!? His favorite!

She made it!

Where is Maddie?

Amazing how hair can transform a look!

Muddy Puddles!

Wearing Evan's bear hat...

Evan's glasses...

And playing Evan's piano!

Freddy took Ryan out to The Dunes!

They stayed overnight and had a great time!

Ryan did great!

Cheese! I made a snowman!

Happy Girl...and do you know why!?
Auntie's coming!!!

On the 30th, my sister and her family came from Chicago to visit!
Once I have created our annual slideshow, I will post it.

Signing off for now!