Sunday, March 5, 2023

Our Start to 2023!

Talk about starting the New Year out right!
Nell and Family came out from Illinois to visit! 

We decided to do a theme again this year...Dress as a Celebrity. 
I was Carol Baskin and Maddie was my Big Cat. 
Freddy was Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber! LOL!

Ryan was Oliver Tree...

And Evan was John Lennon of course!

Izzy was Patrick from SpongeBob, Danielle was Jane Fonda,
Steve was Gordon Ramsey, Ben was Cap'n Jack, Ethan was 2Pac
and Drue was Winona Ryder!


Happy 2023!

The girls...

The guys...

The group minus Freddy (taking the pic)...

And Ryan and Ethan went to the basketball game!
We had SUCH a great time during their visit!

Maddie is 2 1/2 years old now...

And very interested in potty training!

She eats up her time with either of the boys...

Loves being a homebody...

And is quite sassy these days!

She is a fan of rainy days...


And thoroughly enjoys horseplay with Daddy and Bubba!

On the 15th it was Drue's Birthday, 
so we had a little celebration for her!

Muddy Booty!

When the pink swing Ryan got Maddie for Christmas finally came, we hung that up for her!

Baa Baa Black Sheep...

We were invited to try a trial dance class on the 20th...

Hide and Seek...

But the time of the class was incorrect,
so by the time the class actually started Maddie was all done! LOL!

Chef Maddie has been known to cook up some yummy goodness in her kitchen lately...

And she is taking advice from Evan about listening when being spoken to! 😆

She loves matching colors...

And is more than happy to pick out a toy at the store when it is offered!

On the 21st, Freddy and I went to the USC Basketball game at ASU!

We ate at a local rooftop restaurant and then walked across the street.

USC came out on top and we were allowed to shoot around for a bit!
I made a free throw even! Ha ha!

Yep! She fits!

Daddy/Daughter love is so cute!

On the 23rd, Freddy took Maddie to the "Indoor Playground" as she calls it.
Then she rode in the car outside with Stuart Little!

At home she recreated Stuart's pose! 😉

On the 25th, Maddie's friend came over for a playdate!
They took turns cruising around...

Then played on the playground...

And enjoyed the sandbox! It was a fun day followed by a 2nd trial dance class!

Hop like a Bunny!

Great job getting her to participate, Evan!

While the class was fun, most of the girls were a full 6 months or more older than Maddie,
so we are going to wait a while to sign her up. 

Frozen yogurt was a fun treat after class for my oldest and youngest kiddos!

Then on the 26th it was Ryan's 15th Birthday!

He wanted decorations...

Balloons are FUN!

IHOP breakfast in bed...


In N Out for lunch...

And Texas Roadhouse for dinner!

Machine Gun?

Then it was back home for presents and dessert.

We sang...

Happy Birthday To You...

And since he isn't a cake guy, so he chose donuts stacked in the shape of a cake instead!
Ryan had a great day! Thank you to all of you who made his day special! 

Maddie is starting to want to dress up...just like Evan used to!

She asks for many costume changes a day,
but is still most comfortable in her birthday suit!
Well, who isn't! 😂

Hope you enjoyed the update!