Tuesday, April 4, 2023

LOVE February!

Ryan was able to start out the month with a fun trip to California! 

My Best Friend, Tiff picked up Ryan after his first solo flight!

William and Summer enjoyed showing Ryan around their community...

As well as a delicious stop at Corner Cottage which made Freddy and I jealous!

They went to Universal Studios...

And even got to enjoy the new Super Nintendo World!

Ay, Caramba!

They wrapped up their trip with a day at Magic Mountain!

They said both parks were pretty empty!
Thank goodness for homeschooling and the ability to visit during the week!

Maddie was so excited to welcome Bubba home!
It was her first time in an airport!

Someone is really into dress up lately...

And Playdoh!

Ryan's GCU Camp

The link above is from a baseball camp Ryan participated in!
He got a perfect score!

One evening Evan brought Maddie a candy necklace.
He had to show her how to "work it".

I didn't have anyone to watch Maddie,
so she came to the hair salon with me one day!

She tried out the spinny chair and my cape during processing and loved it!

The following day it was time to visit the Dentist!

Bubba is Too!

We couldn't believe how well she did!
She can't wait to go back!

Thank you Auntie Tiffani for the yummy heart cookies for Valentine's Day!

Ryan started pitching lessons!
He hit 81 off the mound his first time!

A Busy Saturday in Feb!

For Super Bowl we pulled out our annual beads...

Tried some new recipes...

Watched the Puppy Bowl...

And enjoyed the beautiful weather!

I credit these jalapeƱo poppers to my friend, Lisa! They are my FAVORITE!

Freddy and I were both rooting for the Chiefs.
It was such an exciting game to watch!

Snug as a Bug!

Although I don't have much,
I took pictures of our Valentine's Day decor.

These colored wool balls are my new favorite!

Then on Valentine's Day,
Freddy's Mom came over to watch Maddie
while we went to The Mission in Old Town Scottsdale.

It was cold and rainy so I was grateful for my new jacket Freddy got me!

We went to the Scottsdale Fashion Square to do some shopping
and then stopped at Kona Grill for dinner!

When we got home the kids opened their goodies from us...

And I took pictures of my roses and cards from Freddy!
It was a WONDERFUL day!
It felt like we were dating again!

This girl decided she was going to be Daddy.
She sat in Daddy's spot, put on his hat and glasses,
then asked for the remote! LOL!

The highlight of the month was Evan's performance as Conrad Bertie
in Bye Bye Birdie at Seton!

He knocked our socks off! It was HYSTERICAL!
He belongs on stage!

What makes a toddler smile so much!?
A video about potty training! HA HA!

First ponytail!

One day I had my clothes laid out for the day and she put them on!

"I'm Mommy - You're Maddie"

My bug in a rug!

Evan's show ran 2 weekends.
Closing Night of Bye Bye Birdie was a complete success!
Here he is in front of his Senior poster!
I am really hopeful he will be able to perform for us again someday soon!

Evan's Highlight Reel

So far this month you saw Maddie dressed as Daddy,
then Mommy...and now Bubba!
I told you she was into dress up these days!

This quilt was given to us by my friend, Laurie.
Her Mom made it and we just love it!

The playground is a daily staple for us.
Maddie climbs up the slide. Little Monkey!


To wrap up the month, here are a few cozy moments! 
We hope you all had a wonderful month of February!