Sunday, May 21, 2023

Another Year Older...Another Month of Fun!

Maddie wanted to look like Bubba!


A Facetime cuddle with Evan and Ethan!

Silly girl...that's not your potty!

G'nite Mickey...G'nite Maddie!

Ryan's last basketball game was at a court with a gym.
There's a new use for a slam ball!

Oh brother! We're losing?

Last Bball Game - Close One...But Lost.

Evan and Drue took Maddie to her first birthday party!

They played...

And enjoyed some yummy treats!

March 4th & 5th Tourney Highlights 

Ryan went 2-4 the first day and 3-8 the 2nd day.
He also had a great outing.
The boys fell short of the Championship,
but had a great weekend of play.
Freddy has been my little videographer these days
when games are too early for Little Miss.

The tongue helps when building a marble run!

Maddie took her first trip to McD's!

She wanted me to join her, but I was too big.

While we ate lunch, she smiled at me and said...
"I love sitting at the table with you!"

On the way home, we did a Target run.
Welcome to the family Lily!

Auntie Sarah stopped by...

Then Maddie helped Lily brush her teeth...

And take a bath!

Birthday Song for Mommy!

On the 8th it was my birthday...

And my family treated me like a Queen!

With Flowers...

Coffee in Bed...

A Donut Breakfast...

A little time in the sun...

And a Massage & Facial!

Then we got ready for dinner while Maddie and Grandma hung out at home...

Making a Cake for Mommy!

We were even able to meet some of my family from Missouri at the restaurant!
I had SUCH an amazing birthday!


The following day I caught Ryan taking a picture of Maddie
because he thought she looked so cute in her sunglasses.
What a proud Brother!

Maddie and I played while Ryan played basketball at the rec center.

She wanted a pic by the Baby wheel...

And then the Mommy wheel! It was a fun trip to the park!

Maddie loves it when Evan and Drue hang out at the house!

That same day,  my Cousin Trish stopped by with her son and GF to meet Maddie!

Cute group in High School Baseball Attire!
Old Stars, New Stars & Coach Freddy! 

Before my family headed to the airport, we met them for some fun at D&B!
Anytime Ryan can play Pop-A-Shot, he does!

Where's Maddie?
Sunning herself like a lizard! LOL!

Unfortunately, one day she tripped and fell head first into the bed frame in her room
and gave herself a black eye. She gave us a thumbs up that she was ok though! Phew!

Ready for Date Day!

Maddie is showing you all her green eye and blue lips here!
We went shopping and her robin egg purchase was a hit! 

Then we went to the park...

And Grandma brought her a cake pop!

The next day we took Grandma to lunch...

And then my friend, Tania picked me up for a birthday dinner...

Which turned out to be a surprise Girls Group Night Out!

The Storm!

After Undertow...

They took me to a new Italian place in town.
It was SUCH a fun night! THANK YOU LADIES!

Evan and Drue were treated by Drue's Nana to a trip to SF!

They toured Alcatraz...

Which was a first for Evan,
even though we spent quite a bit of time in SF when Freddy was playing there!

They explored the fun shops...

And brought back a fun Bourdin Sourdough turtle for Maddie!

Ryan has been playing with the 14U Stars since the 15U Stars
are unable to play club ball due to their High School season.

Hi Bubba!  Play hard!

Freddy sat with us since he doesn't Coach that team.


For St. Patty's Day, I went with a rainbow theme! 

And as you can see, the black eye was still clearing up a week later!

In the same weekend, we were able to cheer Ryguy and the 14U Stars on again!

Have I mentioned Maddie has been fighting naps?
This particular day, she gave in on the swings.
It didn't last long. 

One day I was able to enjoy another fun birthday celebration with my friend, Holly!
We went to the spa for a massage, some down time and lunch!


Maddie looks forward to play dates with her friend, Monroe!
The girls are both into changing their clothes umpteen times a day!
Here they are dressed in Monroe's Belle dresses while swinging! 

Then they changed into princess nightgowns.

Sharing is Caring!

Does this look familiar?

On this beautiful spring day, Freddy, Ryan, Maddie and I biked to lunch!

The place was just ok, but the company was fantastic!

Brother Shenanigans!

We were gifted a fun Easter memory card game.
The big kids helped Maddie learn how to play.

When you want to have a party, gather your friends and make it happen!
Notice Mommy and Daddy pig got their own date night table! Haha!

Pull Up Girl to the Rescue!

All ready for the playground!

The next day. we discovered a new little park!

And, the Caboose came to town!!!!

After the guys golfed, we hung out at the house...

And went in the spa!

Well, that wraps up our March!
More of Vic's trip to come in the April blog!
Now that Maddie doesn't nap, my computer time is more limited,
so I am more behind, but I hope to get caught up soon!