Friday, September 1, 2023

May & our High School Grad...

Pull Up Girl!

One evening we went to Mastro's to celebrate some special birthdays!

Always nice to have an adult night out!

See the rainbow!?

2 of my favorite kiddos!

My little Coppertone girlie loves the water!

And her Momma of course!

On the 7th, we went to Evan's Senior Brunch...

On the screen, they played a slideshow with each Senior being shown.

Bubba was so sweet to watch his Sis while we went!

They have such an awesome bond!

At the beginning of the year,
the Seniors attended "Sunrise in the Park"...
Then concluded the year with "Sunset in the Park".

Aren't you a little young for an Apple Watch Missie!?

Here it is...
First Day of Kindergarten
Last Day of High School!

My sweet Aunt, Dolores came for a visit!

Looks like Maddie found the stickers...and then Evan's face! Lol!

We took Dolores and Maddie to Makutu's Island for the 1st time!

Bubba won Maddie 2 green dragons!

The following day it was Mother's Day!

My family made sure I felt the love...

And so did Gracie with the sunset!

Before we knew it, it was time for Baccalaureate!

We picked the correct side to sit on!
We had a great view of Evan!

My big boy!

Drue caught this moment!

Ready to go!


This was in the yearbook...

And this was in our yard.

Congratulations Edawggy!

Maddie said she's next! Ha ha!

On the 17th it was Grace's 4th Heavenly Birthday

The following day we took Dolores on the boat with us!

Tubing for Maddie!

As always, a fun day!

Hilarious! Ryan created a Voodoo Bat replica out of his wiffle ball bat!

On the 21st,  Ryan went golfing with Grandpa...

And Evan went to the Ringo concert!!!


Here is Maddie modeling another adorable suit of Summer's...

Then on the 26th it was time for a big Stars Tourney!

And they took home the gold!

So happy for them that all of the hard work paid off!

As we wrapped up May,
Maddie wasn't afraid to literally stop and smell the roses!

We hope your May was as great as ours!

On to June...