Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Evan lost a tooth!

It was a special one, since he still has his braces on!

The boys had 80's day at school!

They enjoyed dressing up!

I had a meeting at Summit that morning, so I joined in on the fun!

Ryan's baseball season started again!  He is playing a hybrid league...kid pitch/coach pitch.

He got an in the park HR!

And did great pitching for the first time too!

He struck out 1!


3...in an inning and a half!  It's going to be a great season!

We had a little fun with bubbles one weekend!


Fall is around the corner, which means...it's time to root for USC again!

Evan decided to join a soccer team for the fall!  The games start October 11th.

Ryan had an Art Open House on the 25th.  This is his home!

He also had to choose a place in the community.
He chose Dick's Sporting Goods!  He loves his sports!

September flew by!
Enjoy your October!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


August started with Back to School Night!

We made use of our Parking Spot right away!!!

This is Mr. Allen, Evan's Teacher...

And Mrs. Rubin, Ryan's Teacher.
It's going to be a great year!!!

The day before school started, we decided to visit Amazing Jake's!

We Rode Rides...

And Played Games!
It was a Fun Family Day!!!

Our First Day of School was August 6th!

1st and 4th Grade, Here We Come!!!

For our 12 Year Anniversary, we went to Las Vegas for the Weekend!

We ate at STK...

And saw Absinthe!!!
Great Show and Great Trip!

At the Summit Auction, in addition to bidding on the parking spot 
and a few other items...

We bid on and won a Meet & Greet with Carson Palmer!

His kiddos and Larry's kiddos also go to Summit.

Good try Evan!


Way to Go Ryan! 

Carson Palmer is a USC Alum!  Go Trojans!


This is a typical evening for Ryan.
Like Father like Son!

The weekend of the 22nd, we joined the Aguilar's...

For a Birthday Celebration at the Kierland Resort in Scottsdale!
It was a Fun Time!!!

Over Labor Day Weekend, we went to Flagstaff for a Football Tournament!

Evan was a GREAT Fan!

Flag Pull from Game #1..

 2 Point Conversion from Game #1...

Catch from Game #2!

Flag Pull from Game #3!

TD Catch from Game #3!

TD Run from Game #4!

Great TD Catch from Championship Game!


Our Little Steelers went Undefeated!
They won the Championship!
It was a great way to round out August!