Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Evan lost a tooth!

It was a special one, since he still has his braces on!

The boys had 80's day at school!

They enjoyed dressing up!

I had a meeting at Summit that morning, so I joined in on the fun!

Ryan's baseball season started again!  He is playing a hybrid league...kid pitch/coach pitch.

He got an in the park HR!

And did great pitching for the first time too!

He struck out 1!


3...in an inning and a half!  It's going to be a great season!

We had a little fun with bubbles one weekend!


Fall is around the corner, which means...it's time to root for USC again!

Evan decided to join a soccer team for the fall!  The games start October 11th.

Ryan had an Art Open House on the 25th.  This is his home!

He also had to choose a place in the community.
He chose Dick's Sporting Goods!  He loves his sports!

September flew by!
Enjoy your October!!!

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