Saturday, August 1, 2015

Wrapping up Summer!

One day we met friends at Point Dume Beach!
While Ryan played some baseball... 

Evan buried himself in the sand to watch!

On the 4th of July, we BBQ'd at "home" in California,
(courtesy of Victor and Sujey) and watched fireworks over the ocean!

These guys couldn't get any cuter!

The following day we took a tour bus around LA with Sujey,
while Freddy and Victor went golfing.

The boys liked listening to all of the info they told us on the headphones!

One of our stops was at Pinks Hot Dogs for a yummy lunch!
We also stopped along the Walk of Fame and explored smelly Hollywood Blvd! Lol!

That week were treated to a movie with Auntie Tiffani at the Pantages Theatre!
There was even a live show at the beginning!

Being in LA, we had to take a trip to Disneyland!

We hired a tour guide named Jeff for the day!
He got us through both parks in 8 hours! 

He even used my camera to take pictures of us on the water ride in California Adventure!

Evan can always find the lens!

Here we are on our way into Radiator Springs!

Hello Mater!

We also got to see Pluto!

One perk to being on a VIP Tour is getting to ride in Walt Disney's train car!
It is on the back of the regular train that circles the park!

A few days before we came to the park, Jeff told us 
Johnny Depp & Nicholas Cage sat on this couch together!
Evan basked in that glory!

At the end of the evening, we got to watch the 
60th Anniversary Fireworks Spectacular 
from a special seating area in front of the castle!

One of my favorite trips to the beach with the boys was when Grandma came for a visit!
The boys started riding their boards holding hands!
They called it the "Super Combo Mario Bros".

Grandma took on the task of taking the boys to Universal! 

Evan used to call this guy "Monkey George" when he was little!
It was nice of Grandma to take pics for me while they were there!

One day, we were invited by a friend to Malibu.
They were renting Ricky Shroader's Beach Home.

Evan got some fun opportunities to pursue his acting career while we were in LA.
This picture was before a Dodge Commercial Audition.

His favorite audition was for a Guest Appearance on a new Disney Show
called "Best Friends Whenever".  His character was "Young Naldo".
He even got a callback!  It was down to Evan and 5 other boys.
We haven't heard anything yet...but he is still hopeful!

Another fun audition was for a Star Wars Toy Commercial.
He was in the room for 12 minutes so they must have liked him!
They had him play with the cube toy, play with a Yoda, and play with a light saber on camera!

 A highlight for Evan was the fact that we lived 4 blocks from Jim Carrey.
So, Evan made a book to take to him.
When we got there, an assistant was there and allowed Evan to take a picture with him since Jim was out of town.
 He was nice and promised he would do his best to get the book to him.
Evan is hoping for a letter or email from Jim someday!

There were a few other fun things we did this summer...
Daddy and Victor visited the USC store and got us goodies to root the Trojans on! 

Mommy got to spend some time with her Tiff's...

We biked along the Venice and Santa Monica Beaches...

We got to visit our favorite food places...

We got to watch the Minions movie...
and Evan even dressed himself and Ryan to blend in!

And we got a milkshake from famed "Millions of Milkshakes"!
They were pretty darn good!

The day before we left LA, Ryan decided to finally rid himself of his front tooth!
The creative way of doing it earned him $5 from the tooth fairy!

It was a great summer!  We had a blast!
We made lots of memories...
but are happy to be home and get back into a routine!
Gotta get ready for the school year now!

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