Thursday, August 18, 2016

The 2nd Half of our Summer!

On Independence Day, the boys showed their personalities through their clothes...

And Freddy and I wore shirts from his gym!

We BBQ'd at the Cazares' House, then went to the lake to watch the fireworks.

I think fireworks are much more spectacular when they are set to music,
so I played my own!

After the show, we did sparklers...

And some fun little fireworks!

We had a fun night celebrating the 4th!

The following day, the boys and I went to Chicago to visit Danielle and the kids!!!
We went to little Benny's TBall Game...

Had an almost private 3D showing of... 

Went to their local Waterpark...

Ate some really delicious donuts...

And just enjoyed our time together!

One day we decided to get everyone all spiffed up and go for a photo shoot!

The kiddos were so patient with all of our requests, and the pictures turned out so great that...

We bought them a tank!!!!
Ha ha!  Just kidding...
There was a park with TANKS THEY COULD CLIMB!
So much fun!

We were so happy with the kiddos pics...

And then realized,
 we probably should get a pic together!

One day we went to the zoo...

And had a picnic in the park...

We also went to the Jelly Belly Factory...

And even took the train to Downtown Chicago!

Love this girl!
We had an amazing time!
Miss you Nachtigall's a ton!

Thanks to Ethan and his growing feet,
he let Evan use his Heely's until Ben is big enough for them!
It is an art form for sure, but Evan got the hang of it almost immediately!

While we were in Chicago,
Freddy took a guys trip to Vegas!

Vic and Freddy went to watch UFC Fights while they were there! 

The boys love Grimaldi's!
They tried to copy with their own dough one night! Ha ha!

My biggest purchase as of late was this beautiful new car!
It is very similar to my old QX,
but 5 years newer!

Evan loves to make movies!
This is a short clip he made at Grandma's house.
It's all digital, but it's on Grandma's counter!

To celebrate our 14th Wedding Anniversary,
we took a trip to Vegas!

We stayed at the Aria...

Enjoyed our annual special dinner at...

No surprise there!  Ha ha!

We got a cabana at the pool one day... 

Went to see the show Absinthe...

Which was HILARIOUS by the way!
This was our second time seeing it since it started running.
The entertainment portions are pretty incredible!

We also went over the the Wynn...

For a yummy Japanese Steakhouse meal!

Another day we went to the spa...

And also to our favorite mexican restaurant!

There were so many fun things we did,
but we more than anything, we enjoyed our time together!
It was the perfect vacation to celebrate US!

Before school resumed, I took the boys to an open skate session!

Ryguy says he wants to be a hockey player,
but he found skating to be a little more difficult than he anticipated! 

Evan on the other hand was light on his blades!

He even used Ryan's ice skating trainer as a prop!

Thankfully Ryan got better as time went by!

Time for school!  It was a great summer!
We hope all of you enjoyed yours!
Have a safe and healthy start to the new school year!

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