Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Our August...Love, School & Football!

Freddy and I celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary on the 7th!
My sweet hubby gifted me a new band, then we went to Mastro's for dinner!  

On the 9th, Ryan and Evan started 4th and 7th Grades!

Ryan started playing Pop Warner Football!

His first games were scrimmages in Flagstaff.

He had several nice tackles!

We were so proud of him!

His team name is the Razorbacks.

His first game of the season, Ryan successfully kicked a 2 point field goal!

He also plays on both the D-Line and O-Lines!  Great tackle Ryguy!

Unfortunately Evan broke his heel...so he is in a walking boot.  
He is doing much better and should be off the scooter soon!
After another few weeks, he should be able to go without the boot!

Ryan sprained his finger...but we were worried it was broken,
so both boys got X-Rays recently.
Hoping to keep them both healthy and happy from now on!

Football Picture Day rounded out our month!
Looking forward to Fall!

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