Saturday, November 30, 2019

Our Month of Gratitude...

Ryan's school honored our Vet's by having an assembly on the 5th...

And since Freddy's Dad was in the Army during Vietnam, he was invited!

They displayed all of the Vet's pictures on the screen...

It was a great tribute!  Ryan really enjoyed having Grandpa visit!

Evan had a photoshoot on the 6th for new Headshot options! 

Enjoy the many faces of Evan!

I couldn't narrow down my favorites more than this!  Love him so much!

On the 8th, the Stars Mom's had a Girl's Night Out!

After we Escaped, we had a really fun dinner at Benihana!

The following day Freddy and Adrian got our trailer set up
at Sun Devil's Stadium for the USC @ ASU game!

Some of the gang went in to the game to watch...

Apparently Ryan livened up the crowd! Ha ha!

USC came away with the victory!  It was a beautiful end to the day!

On the 13th, Ryan was recognized by his teacher as "The Most Thankful Boy in his Class"!

With the storms we had recently, RAINBOWS were everywhere!
In Arizona...


And Hawaii!

On the 18th, Freddy flew with Evan to Newark, NJ for a movie shoot...Terrifier 2!

Evan got to be an Extra and meet "Art the Clown"!

It was shot at a Nightclub Downtown.
This post of Evan's was too funny for me not to share!

On Thanksgiving, Freddy's parents hosted...

So all we had to do...

Is get dressed...

And show up for Michelle's cooking!
It was definitely a day to be thankful for! 

Christmas Spirit is in the air!  We are looking forward to it!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Our Month was a Treat!

On the 1st of October, since Ryan was on Fall Break and Evan was still in school,
Tania and I took the boys to Sedona for a few days!

Once we checked into our hotel, we went to Fay Canyon for a beautiful hike!
After, we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner.
Moments like these are "Precious and Few"!

The following day we had a 12 hour tour scheduled!
One of our stops was Horseshoe Bend.  It was fascinating to look at!

Our tour van was this Mercedes Sprinter.
For part of the journey, it became a convertible!

Our favorite part of the day was our visit to Antelope Canyon!
Notice the bear in the outline behind us!

They call this "The Dragon's Eye"...

And look at this one!  A heart!

After a good night's sleep, we got packed up and headed out for another hike at Soldiers Pass.
One of the highlights was this sinkhole! 

Exploring Arizona's beauty was on Ryan and I's bucket list for years!
We really enjoyed taking in the sights and spending time with Miss Tania, Brayden and Will!

Over the rest of Fall Break, Ryan was finally able to practice enough
to complete his front flip, wall climb, and backflip!

This Halloween I purchased some new decor!
Do you see what it stands for?
"Love, SC, Fight On!"

I also made these BOO pumpkins...

Got some mums for the front porch,
and have even managed to keep them alive...

Went with neon green ribbon for the topiary trees this time...

And hung some be"witching" hats from the chandelier out front.

Mr Spider and his webs are always a front door staple.

But these crates and pumpkins were a new addition!

Our cauldron got a "fire" makeover...

And thanks to Tania, we had a guest this month!
We treated Mrs Bones to some wine and a bubble bath! Ha ha!

When Evan was on Fall Break, he and Freddy headed up North to Jerome, Arizona.

They stayed at the Grand Hotel,
ate at the Haunted Hamburger...

Went on a Spooky Tour of the town...

And even caught some "orbs" on camera!

Before they headed back to Phoenix,
they shopped at the world's largest Kaleidoscope store!

They were taught how to take pictures like these!
How neat is this!?  Do you see them in this picture?

One night we took a family trip to the Arizona State Fair!
The boys rode a bunch of rides such as this roller coaster...

The Haunted Mansion...

And the Flying Dutchman to name a few.

It is always nice to spend an evening together as a family!

One Saturday only our baseball boys showed up for the soccer game.
They rocked it!  Here is a short clip of the 3 them in action.

As I do each year,
I gathered up some goodies for "Boo Gifts"...

So we could "Boo" people!

Ryan "Boo'd" everyone himself because Evan wanted to stay home.
(Boo Hoo! My baby's growing up!)

As some of you may know, Evan is a Freshman at Seton Catholic High School.
He was cast as one of the leads in Narnia's - Lion Witch and the Wardrobe Fall Play!
Above is the condensed version of Evan's scenes from the play.
It is just under 30 minutes long.  Some of you wanted to see it so, enjoy!

We were so impressed with the production! 
The cast and crew did everything from the lighting to makeup themselves!

They did a phenomenal job...

And we can't wait to see how many of them are in the next show!

Speaking of, we are excited to announce...
Evan was cast as Michael Banks in Seton's Spring Musical - Mary Poppins!

Evan invited the cast and crew over to our house to celebrate.

Thankfully Evan's first high school party was a success!
The kids were very well behaved and enjoyed themselves...
listen in!

Here is a clip of Ryan's last soccer game.
Some teamwork, a nice kick and some fancy footwork wrapped up the season!

A few days before Halloween, it was time to carve pumpkins!

Evan chose to try the skinning technique this year.

Both boys used their creativity!

Ryan made a nice side...

And an evil side!

Although Evan was not thrilled with his final product,
he still took a picture with his masterpiece.

Before we knew it, it was Halloween!

Ryan was a scary clown...

Evan was "Art the Clown" from Terrifier the movie...

And Freddy and I grabbed some costumes ON Halloween.
Here we are as Alice and the Mad Hatter!

Our family has always enjoyed dressing up.  I hope it never ends!

This Area 51 Alien and his UFO invited us over
to their neighborhood for some Halloween fun!

I love this "Mad" man so much!

He and Adrian set up the trailer in their driveway.
It allowed them to watch the football game while they passed out candy!

Meanwhile, Erika and I took the Ranger out.

We took the boys to a local Haunted House...

Where we came across some fun characters!

We also took the boys out for some good ole 
Trick o' Treating on foot!

We hope your October was a Treat!

See you in the month of Thanksgiving!