Saturday, November 30, 2019

Our Month of Gratitude...

Ryan's school honored our Vet's by having an assembly on the 5th...

And since Freddy's Dad was in the Army during Vietnam, he was invited!

They displayed all of the Vet's pictures on the screen...

It was a great tribute!  Ryan really enjoyed having Grandpa visit!

Evan had a photoshoot on the 6th for new Headshot options! 

Enjoy the many faces of Evan!

I couldn't narrow down my favorites more than this!  Love him so much!

On the 8th, the Stars Mom's had a Girl's Night Out!

After we Escaped, we had a really fun dinner at Benihana!

The following day Freddy and Adrian got our trailer set up
at Sun Devil's Stadium for the USC @ ASU game!

Some of the gang went in to the game to watch...

Apparently Ryan livened up the crowd! Ha ha!

USC came away with the victory!  It was a beautiful end to the day!

On the 13th, Ryan was recognized by his teacher as "The Most Thankful Boy in his Class"!

With the storms we had recently, RAINBOWS were everywhere!
In Arizona...


And Hawaii!

On the 18th, Freddy flew with Evan to Newark, NJ for a movie shoot...Terrifier 2!

Evan got to be an Extra and meet "Art the Clown"!

It was shot at a Nightclub Downtown.
This post of Evan's was too funny for me not to share!

On Thanksgiving, Freddy's parents hosted...

So all we had to do...

Is get dressed...

And show up for Michelle's cooking!
It was definitely a day to be thankful for! 

Christmas Spirit is in the air!  We are looking forward to it!

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