Saturday, May 2, 2020

April in Quarantine...

Hello everyone! April has come and gone...and if your family is anything like us, you have found a new normal in your everyday routine, as well as new things to do to make quarantine a little less frustrating!

Since Evan will be allowed to get his permit in October,
Freddy has been taking him out driving.  Above is a link to his first nighttime drive.

Freddy has gone on many walks around our neighborhood.
One day when he was out with Ryan, they came across this artwork!

Someone spent a lot of time being creative for others to enjoy!
Thank you Circle G resident!

Another day, Freddy and Ryan went for a nice long hike!
They were rewarded with this view once they got to the top!

Before we knew it, it was time for Easter...

So the decorations went up inside...

And outside!

Shortly before Easter, we all decorated eggs.

Each of the boys decorated their own dozen...

And I decorated some glittery ones for Grace and Baby Girl!

Easter Sunday looked very different this year as it was just the 4 of us at home.

Ryan and I made a traditional turkey dinner...

 And after a golden egg hunt for the boys...

We watched Passion of the Christ together.
I am so blessed to have all 3 of my guys in my life!

Since the Stars baseball season was cancelled,
we put together a quick "Stars Play Catch" video!
It definitely put a smile on my face when I watched it!

On the 19th, our Big Boy turned 15!

He had a drive by from Aunt Tina and Grandma Michelle...

Ate his favorite Bundtinis...

And opened gifts!

At his birth time, we sang and he blew out his candles!

His big gift from us was his own mini fridge for his room!
Evan had been asking for one for years, so he was thrilled!

And being the sweet brother that Ryan is,
he baked his own cake for Evan!

Then our birthday boy wrapped up his big day by enjoying his FAVORITE meal from Hon Machi!

Since my usual Hallmark shopping isn't available these days,
I made a large card with a walk down memory lane for his door.
I included a picture from his birth and each of Evan's birthdays!

We hope your month of quarantine was manageable and this finds you all healthy and happy!

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