Thursday, July 30, 2020

July in the Sanchez Household!

On the 4th, we of course stayed home as a family,
but had a fun, patriotic time doing so!
We made Freddy some keto fudge...

Hung out in the pool all day,
and enjoyed bacon wrapped hot dogs!

Since I was unable to wear this shirt to baseball games this summer,
I figured the 4th would be a good time to "sport" it!

Then when it was finally dark,
we let the boys do fireworks...

While we watched on!

They were creative with them for sure!

Above is a link to a video montage of the boys fireworks fun!
They had a BLAST!!!

It was an awesome celebration of America's Birthday!

On the 6th we took the boat out just the 4 of us!

Above you will see a video of Ryan.
He had been trying to surf right and finally did!

Evan on the board is always entertaining!

Above you will see a video of Ryan.
He had been trying to master this trick and DID IT!

We had a BLAST!
Next summer there will be 5 of us on the boat!

Speaking of...
here are a few pictures of our little one at 32 weeks!

She loves putting her hand in front of her face!

At 36 weeks, Evan took a few pictures of me
by a nearby nursery in honor of Gracie!

The shirt was a gift from my friend!
Thanks Amanda!

On the 17th, the bulk of the nursery was completed!
There are a few little things that aren't done,
but for the most part her room is ready!

The boys tried it out!
It passed the big brothers test!

One evening our sky was crazy looking!
Almost like a His & Hers Sky!

Ryan got creative with paint on the 25th!

 He painted a rainbow on his sister!

He talks to her EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Little did we know what would happen next...
an unexpected appendectomy for Evan on the 26th!
Thankfully he was home safely and able to start recovering in his own bed
after a two night stay at Phoenix Children's Hospital!

Then to round out the month, Ryan got his Phase 2 braces put on!
In about 24 months he will get them off and never look back! 

We are still awaiting Baby Girl!
Monday, August 3rd is induction day
if she doesn't decide to "Grace" us with her presence before then! 

Hope you are all safe and healthy!
We will keep you posted on our new addition!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Our June - Lots of Baby, Water, and Family Fun!

We started out the month wrapping up the boys schooling.
They were able to pick up their yearbooks...
Evan's made us especially proud!

The small print reads "Evan Sanchez starring as Edmund" - Narnia was the fall play!

In the top left corner you will see Evan striking a pose
as Michael Banks in the Spring Musical, Mary Poppins.

Above next to his picture, Evan was quoted on how it was starring in Mary Popping
alongside the other talented actors.

In the Freshman portion of the yearbook,
Evan was the only male student who's photo appeared!  There was even a compliment!

At week 32, I had a growth ultrasound that told us Little Miss was 4lbs, 4oz!

The stenographer was even able to scroll past her hands in her face to get a 3D photo!

I didn't ever get true maternity photos when I was pregnant with the boys,
so I went for it this time!  These were taken at 30 weeks... 

My sweet friend Tania was kind enough to host a Stars Mom's Baby Shower for me!
It was of course not a traditional shower,
but it was a BLAST and both Freddy and I were so grateful!

She brought cute balloons...

Gifts from the Ladies...
And a Sash for Me...

Beautiful cupcakes, paper products and even a a cute little bottle of apple cider!

We were even gifted this gorgeous diaper cake!
I never knew there were such pretty diapers out there!
It was a beautiful evening!

Our pool has entertained us quite a bit during our time at home.
I love watching my guys!

Taking our boat out to the lake has been a great getaway as well!
Evan is getting to be quite the wake surfer! 

Ryan was super happy to find out his fractures were healed enough to try wake surfing himself!

First day out he caught on! 

We were so happy for him!

Freddy is getting used to his new role as Captain!

And on this particular day out I was able to catch a rainbow following us!  See!?

The slides at Pleasant opened up, so Ryan took advantage!

He also decided to get creative on the wake board...Freddy loved it!

Right before Father's Day, my Mother in Law and Sister in Law threw our family a shower!

They decorated the front of our house...

And put together goodies for local guests to drive by and enjoy like these adorable water bottles...

"She's Ready to POP" popcorn balls...

And yummy cupcakes!

There was a candy table...

And a gift table...

So people were able to drive thru, drop off gifts and diapers, pick up their goodies, and say hello!

Above is a video of the atmosphere...

And another...the song just happened to be on Pandora when Freddy turned it on!

We even had some festive visitors!
It was super cute how they decorated their car to drive thru! 

The diaper raffle was a huge success...

And so was the virtual games and gifts portion!

It was a wonderful and safe way to celebrate Baby Girl!
She is LOVED by so many already!  We can't wait to meet her!
Should only be another 3 weeks or so now!

On Father's Day, we had a very chill day at home.
Freddy opened his gift from his little girl...

And from his big boys....

He has lost over 30 pounds on Keto in the last 10 or so weeks!
We are so proud of him!
We have tried to get as creative with food choices as possible.  He has made dieting look easy...even though we know it isn't!

Ryan even made him a Keto cake on Father's Day to enjoy!

Our next time out on the lake was to Pleasant.  Evan tried out the slide this time!

Each time out the boys get better and more creative on the water!

Freddy even decided to try out the board...boogie style!

He and Ryan also tubed!

We always seem to end our lake days with a beautiful "Grace" like sunset...
to really make it a family outing!

We hope this month's blog finds you all healthy and able to enjoy your days together with your families...despite the chaos and uncertainty we are all living in.
Take Care and God Bless!