Thursday, July 30, 2020

July in the Sanchez Household!

On the 4th, we of course stayed home as a family,
but had a fun, patriotic time doing so!
We made Freddy some keto fudge...

Hung out in the pool all day,
and enjoyed bacon wrapped hot dogs!

Since I was unable to wear this shirt to baseball games this summer,
I figured the 4th would be a good time to "sport" it!

Then when it was finally dark,
we let the boys do fireworks...

While we watched on!

They were creative with them for sure!

Above is a link to a video montage of the boys fireworks fun!
They had a BLAST!!!

It was an awesome celebration of America's Birthday!

On the 6th we took the boat out just the 4 of us!

Above you will see a video of Ryan.
He had been trying to surf right and finally did!

Evan on the board is always entertaining!

Above you will see a video of Ryan.
He had been trying to master this trick and DID IT!

We had a BLAST!
Next summer there will be 5 of us on the boat!

Speaking of...
here are a few pictures of our little one at 32 weeks!

She loves putting her hand in front of her face!

At 36 weeks, Evan took a few pictures of me
by a nearby nursery in honor of Gracie!

The shirt was a gift from my friend!
Thanks Amanda!

On the 17th, the bulk of the nursery was completed!
There are a few little things that aren't done,
but for the most part her room is ready!

The boys tried it out!
It passed the big brothers test!

One evening our sky was crazy looking!
Almost like a His & Hers Sky!

Ryan got creative with paint on the 25th!

 He painted a rainbow on his sister!

He talks to her EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Little did we know what would happen next...
an unexpected appendectomy for Evan on the 26th!
Thankfully he was home safely and able to start recovering in his own bed
after a two night stay at Phoenix Children's Hospital!

Then to round out the month, Ryan got his Phase 2 braces put on!
In about 24 months he will get them off and never look back! 

We are still awaiting Baby Girl!
Monday, August 3rd is induction day
if she doesn't decide to "Grace" us with her presence before then! 

Hope you are all safe and healthy!
We will keep you posted on our new addition!

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