Monday, June 27, 2022

We MAY Have a Fun Update for You All!

We love watching Bubba hit!

We also love visiting Evan in his room because
he has lots of fun things to play with!

No climbing please!
(As she smiles and begins climbing...)

Bouncy Ball Fun!

Evan and Maddie FT'd Drue one morning!

This photo and article with Evan in it was in Seton's Magazine!

For an early Mother's Day, we went for a family lunch!

Maddie's hair is getting so long but is still so curly!  

Daddy's Ice Cream!

Stars & GBG after playing one another... 

On Mother's Day,
some of the Dad's put together a treat for the Mom's!

The day before Mother's Day,
Jose, Ryan, Connor & Brayden had their 8th grade formal.
I thought this was a cute Pic Stitch because it shows the 4 of them dressed up & down!

Maddie dressed up for the occasion also!

My sweet boy is much taller than me at 14 years old!


I thought it would be fun to get a pic of the kids getting photographed by the Mom's!

Freddy had these delivered to me for Mother's Day!

When they got back from baseball, we spent the day outside.
Grace even showed herself!
See the rainbow?

My babies and I!

My table of love!
I felt very appreciated!

"Peez, up in air Bubba!"

"Is this a yoga pose Baby?'

Too Big!

"Silly Bubba!"

We got another box of goodies from Summer!
See the cute boots!?

This is whaat a giraffe does!

Yummy! Cupcake pants!

Girl time in the pool...

And chicken fights! Maddie was the winner!

My handsome Hubby and I!

Hi sweet girl!

On the 17th was Gracie's birthday.
I rearranged some of my Mother's Day flowers for her... 

Then made the picture collage.
We lost her in 2019. Sweet baby girl!

Maddie made sure we smiled a lot that day! 
Our little rainbow baby!

Here is Drue's post from Graduation!
We can't believe Evan will be next!

Twinkle Star & Colors

Freddy got a jersey out to sign and Maddie wanted to wear it!

Then she bounced! LOL!

In honor of the next group of pics, 
Maddie broke out her Minnie ears...

Drue's Grad gift from her family was a trip to Disneyland! 

They even had personalized shirts!

How did she get the teacup?

At least Evan found some penguins!

They got to ride the Cars ride before it permanently closed!

They did 3 days in the parks...

And enjoyed every minute!
They even found the big guy!

Evan made his own light saber...

And they created this AMAZING collage that made me cry!

The pictures on the bottom are from when Freddy and I went to Disneyland in 1996.

They recreated the same poses in the same locations 26 years later!

On the last day of 8th grade,

Ryan and a friend of his decided to have some fun with their attire!

Splash Park with Daddy!

She didn't know what to think at first but warmed up to the fun!

Ryan got a huge picture on the baseball page of the yearbook!

This is a closer pic so you can read the caption about his Grand Slam!

On the 26th, Victor came for a visit!

Evan has used one of these scooters in the past.

I hope none of my kids need one again in the future...

But Vic does because he broke his foot somehow!

Before the Perfect Game WWBA West Memorial Day Classic Tourney began,
Ryan went out to get some work in.

While Maddie cuddled her bear Freddy's Mom got her.

The Game Changer recap said this after Saturday's game...

"Ryan Sanchez was the winning pitcher for
FS21 Stars 2026 14U. The righthander
surrendered two runs on one hit over two and
a third innings, striking out two."

Ryan also got a few hits,
a few RBI's and caught over the course of the weekend.

Thanks to Brandon (Rhino's Dad),
I got this video of one of Ryan's hits!

They pulled out the win! Go Stars!!!

After the tourney,
Maddie and Ryan enjoyed some together in the "coozey" as Maddie calls it.

The day Vic left, we took our boat out for the first time this season!

Maddie helped Daddy find the perfect boarding spot.

She was so relaxed on the tube, she almost fell asleep!

As we headed back to the dock, Miss Maddie finally gave in!

It was a great day together as a family to close out the month of May!