Friday, June 10, 2022

Prom, Easter & 17

April Flowers...

We were so happy Maddie liked visiting the Easter Bunny!

Almost swim weather!
She couldn't wait!

The spa would have to do for a bit longer...

Evan made it so much fun!


Evan asked Drue to Prom with this poster.

A good read...

Before Prom Pics!

Mr Dapper...

And the cute couple!

Slap Bracelet Corsage!

Ready for a night of fun!

But Maddie tried it out first!

We gathered for some group pictures...

Then off they went!
They said it was a fun night!

A few days before Easter, the kids decorated eggs.

I am glad they still enjoy it!

Each morning Maddie and I head out to the playground after breakfast.
I thought she looked like Miss Tarzan here! LOL!

Hi Mama!

Dinner Time!

Egg Hunt Time!

Freddy got creative with the golden eggs this year!
He hid them on the island and bumped up the reward!

We had a blessed Easter!

Ryan's Oculus Headset is interesting to Maddie,
so she put her iPad stand on her head to copy him!

This elephant was drawn by Ryan for a school assignment.
I thought it was nicely done!

BIG Peppa Pig!

On the 19th,
Evan turned 17!

He had a great last birthday as a kid!
I can't believe how fast the time goes!

Another month flew by...
on to May!


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