Thursday, November 3, 2022

August - Two Years Old Already!?

Happy Birthday Fire!

We have a favorite teppanyaki place. Maddie had never been...
so we took her to celebrate!

Happy 2 Years to our Sweet Girl!

We got her a Peppa Playground Playset.

Then it was party time!

Thank you Miss Jill for the cupcakes!

Just the Fam hanging with Peppa!

The Girl Loves Swings!

2 Years have FLOWN!

A few days later we took Maddie to a trampoline park!

A Big Hill!

After that, we took her to a cute play place for toddlers called Giggles!

The Smile & Head Nod at the End - Awe!

Morning coffee...

I Win!

One of our birthday gifts was a t-ball set!

Then, on our 20 year anniversary,
Freddy had these delivered! 

Thanks to Auntie Tiffani,
we are not short on girl clothes/dress ups!

"Brush, Brush, Brush Your Teeth"

Maddie and Ryan enjoy their baths, 
but Ryan wears his swim trunks of course.

This train was the boys when they were little.
I pulled it out for some fun!


One evening I took Ryan to Cross Fit since 
his workout got cancelled.

A new toy!!!

Maddie is still a fan of books!

Swim to the Edge

That brings us to the end of the month.
Headed towards fall...

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