Friday, February 3, 2017

January for our Family!

Our Stars played in their 1st out of State Tournament in California!
Ryan got a nice hit that earned him a homerun!

In the Championship Game, he hit a SHOT that earned him another homerun!

The boys did amazing and came away as winners!

On the 21st, Ryan celebrated his birthday with his friends at the Coyotes game!

My handsome guy...

Evan enjoyed the evening also!!!

It was a great night with friends!

Howler's visit was a highlight for Ryan!

Ha ha!

We couldn't believe Ryan was already going to be turning 9!

Another highlight of the game was Ryan's Zamboni ride!!!!

Love these boys!

At school each Wednesday, everyone gathers and 1 class presents something they have been working on recently.  Evan was in theatre for his 2nd quarter elective, so the kids and a few of the teachers were invited to perform an Improv skit.  Evan makes his appearance at the 20 sec mark.  He had to start up where the girl left off on stage...check out his humor!  Lol!

On January 26th, our baby turned 9!  He was so happy to see this message on the marquee!

For morning snack Ryan got to bring treats for his class. 
Yummy Krispy Kreme Donuts for everyone!

He is definitely a foodie!
He got to have McD's for lunch (the only day of the year he can have it).
Mean Mommy!  Ha ha!  

After school, Ryan had football practice...

Then for dinner he chose a Peruvian Restaurant to eat at!
He loves Tiramisu!
It was a very Happy Birthday for our Ryguy!

Football Season started out with a bang!
Pick 6!  Whoop Whoop!

He also got a 2 point conversion in the first game!

For the second game of the season he got another pick...

And another 2 point conversion!
Great work Ryan!
Our Steelers won the first 2 games!
Those teams were supposed to be the 2 most competitive teams in our division!

On the last day of the month, the boys performed at their Winter Concert for school.

Ryan was chosen to be the drummer because he had the best rhythm!
Please click on the link above to watch!

This link is of Evan singing Don't Stop Believin!
He did awesome also!

Evan loves being he made this picture of Daddy!  
Ha ha!  He cracks me up!

For his birthday, Ryan got Pie Face!  
He was so happy not to get smashed with whipped cream, 
but it was short lived!

Our handsome silly man!  
Bye January!

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