Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Month of Love!

At the beginning of the month, we were invited to the Phoenix Open!
It was a fun day!

On the Saturday before Valentine's Day, Freddy I got to enjoy a wonderful meal at Mastro's!

On Valentine's Day, we went to Breakfast...

Then to the Dentist!
That's how you know you've been married for a while!
Got to keep the pearly whites healthy!  Ha ha!

To round out the day, 
the boys autographed a ball for Daddy for a change!

Ryan's Flag Season ended with a Bang!

Here is a highlight of Ryan's while playing the #1 team in the state!
We beat them considerably!  I don't think they knew what hit them!

                                            Here's another highlight!  Great work Ryguy!  
                                                      He was a flag pulling machine!

He and his team took 1st place!
Great job Steelers!

Freddy arranged for everyone on Ryan's team to go to the first Spring Training Game of the season!
The best part was, they even got to go on the field for Batting Practice!

Freddy got to catch up with some buddies...

While the boys collected some autographs!

The boys had a great time!

So did we!  It was a beautiful day!

Castles and Coasters is a small Amusement Park in Phoenix.
We had never been there before, so we decided to go one Saturday!

Gotta love those smiles!

Another great month in the books for our family...

And it was full of LOVE!

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