Thursday, January 27, 2022

1 Year Old & 19 Years Married!

On the last day of July,
we celebrated Maddie's upcoming birthday!

The theme was "rainbows",
so Evan picked up a soda of each color in the rainbow...

Maddie wore a rainbow swim suit...

And ran to greet her guests!

Auntie Sarah...

And Grandma came over to celebrate with us!

We swam, sang to Maddie...

And she opened gifts!

It was a super fun day!

Then on the 3rd we celebrated Maddie's actual birthday!
I wrapped her gifts in each of the colors of the rainbow...

She opened her gift from Daddy first
and then played...

During nap I tried to recreate a bear cake
like the one I had on my 1st Birthday!
(Thanks for the cake pan and idea Mom!)

After nap Maddie got to enjoy her gift from me!

I got her dressed up for her last blanket picture...

And she posed with her gifts!

This collage shows the difference between Day 1 and Day 365!

She felt special for sure!
1 Year sure FLEW BY!

Face Book!!!

On the 7th,
our rainbow baby stayed at home...

While Freddy and I went to an early dinner for our Anniversary! 

It was our 1st date since Madison was born!

We are so grateful Miss Jill was able to come over to watch her!

19 Years...

And my Hubby is still so thoughtful!

Maddie and Ryan spent a lot of time in the pool together in August...

While I usually hung out on the Baja Shelf with her.

Either way, she just loves the water!

Before we knew it, it was time for Junior High Baseball!

She loved rooting on Ryguy!

Evan had his 1st Day of his Junior Year on the 11th.

Maddie was so happy to see him when he got home!

Books For You!

My Sweet Girl and I during bath.


Daddy/Daughter Fun!

Here Maddie was helping Daddy with his Fantasy Draft!


That Smile!

One day Ryan went golfing with Grandpa!
I thought he looked so handsome!

Do Your Dancey Dance!

At the end of the month,
this "Mama's Girl" was on a mission...

To root on Ryan and the Casteel Colts game once again!
I will share his highlights in September's blog.
Hope you enjoyed our August recap!


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