Friday, January 14, 2022

Our Month of Chill in the Heat of July!

Thanks to ISR Lessons,
Maddie was floating all on her own
by the 1st of July!

She turned 11 months on the 3rd...

And started taking a few steps here and there!

She enjoyed working on her tan with her brothers this summer...

And giggles were off the charts!

On the 4th, we hung out in the pool...


      Dad got the boys treats from Sonic...

And I smoked some meats for us!

We blew up some water balloons...

That Maddie was in awe of...

And cooled off with a Dad versus kids water balloon fight!

Freddy got the boys fun fireworks to set off...

So they could put on a show on for us!

Maddie watched in the quiet with Daddy.

Fireworks Time!

She liked the colors!

Then, before the end of the show we did sparklers!

The boys did a great job!
It was quite entertaining!

I'm Gonna Get You! 

On the 6th, Maddie graduated from her ISR class!
I did a split screen of Ryan at her age in the same course!
The similarities are amazing to me!
Evan took the course also, but he was 3 when he started.

As you have probably learned, Maddie loves to read!
She started to say parts of the body like "tongue" and began making...

Animal Sounds!

On the 15th we took the boat out!

We each took some time on the board.
I was trying to decide, but I think left foot front suits me best.

Evan is such a natural...

And although Ryan is great with the rope,
with each summer he gets better and better
at riding the wake without it!

This was accidental,
but we realized all 3 of the kids were wearing flamingos!

One day Bubba was packing up his new bat bag
and Maddie decided she wanted to go for a ride!

The infant car seat days were numbered here...

And so was the infant bath seat!
Time flies!

We have a WALKER!

Before we knew it, the 21st came,
which meant it was Ryan's 1st day of 8th grade!

On that same day, I got a new car!

Then, to round out the month,
we found a patio with misters...

So Evan, Maddie and I could go for a lunch date!
This was Maddie's 2nd restaurant experience!

Goodbye everyone!
We hope you enjoyed our July!

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