Thursday, January 13, 2022

Our Family Fun in June!

This was June 1st! Maddie's 1st time out on the boat!

Daddy got her an infant swing which was a lot of fun for her... 

And allowed us some hands free time as well!

The boys decided to be goofy and ride on the board together...

And Daddy decided to be goofy and make Maddie laugh!

Kisses are always easy to steal from Bubba!

After a full day on the water, a nap is usually in the cards!

Evan's hair was the longest it had ever been!


On June 3rd, the cleaning crew was at our house,

so we decided to find a patio and take Maddie to her 1st restaurant!

I forgot just how nice it was to eat out until that day!

That was also the day she turned 10 months...

AND it was World Clubfoot Day!

We had Maddie start her ISR Lessons in June...

Enjoyed watching her grow and learn new things...

And got lots of cuddles!

Don't mind my shrill voice above!
I was excited for her! Ha Ha!

 Pantomiming with Evan!

On Father's Day, first thing in the morning
I took Maddie to her 1st grocery store
to get menudo for Daddy to wake up to!

We had a nice day together celebrating
the amazing Father he is!

Let's just say she was enjoying her ham and eggs here!

This photo was sent to Freddy!
It is on the wall in the tunnel at PNC Park!
Pretty incredible for him to be listed among some of the greats!

After 10 years,
Freddy finally traded in his Raptor for this beauty!

2 of my favorite people in the world getting cozy!

3 Steps!

We ended the month with a great day in the pool...

While Evan completed his school volunteer hours at a local non profit!

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